TheDnD Roguepresents a wealth of different play options, allowing you to be a dashing thief in one game, a grim assassin in the next, and then a spirit medium or swashbuckling pirate. With theRogue 5eclass, you have your pick of spells, skills, and sneaky attacks – and any party will...
community wiki Create accountorSign in You should be logged in to clone a site. Site Navigation User Guide First Time User About Contact Legal Discussion Forums Members Create a Page Welcome to the D&D 5e wiki. Looking for rules from the 2024 sourcebooks?
During your rogue training you learned thieves' cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves' cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than ...
5 Is there any estimate of average damage output per turn for PCs by level? 12 What is the most damage you can do as a 17th level fighter, in 5e? 1 What is the net effect from advantage or disadvantage on to hit chance? Related 1 How to optimize a rogue fo...
I have heard that when a rogue dual wields, the rogue has one primary action which is used to attack main hand and a bonus action which is used to attack off hand. My question is: can the rogue attack with the main hand action and with off hand bonus action and still use the rog...
Con Artist Details: 6. Pirate The cunning archetype only goes so far. [Art by Sharandula] More aquatic campaigns inevitably have need of pirates, which often sit somewhere between fighter and rogue in nature. Much like the ranger they ha...
D and D Wiki Elven Tower Map Vault Donjon's Printable Random Dungeon Generator Dungeon World - another simplified tabletop game The Homebrewery - Lets you write campaigns in Markdown, but renders them as if they were official guides. Pretty awesome. OrcPub - Online 5e character generator tool...
Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warlock Wizard Need help? If you need any extra help, feel free to hit me up on discord. If you've encountered a bug or would like to suggest a feature, feel free to create either a pull request or an issue on the github.About...
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I just find 5e is really in the zeitgeist right now and there so much arcana available. Some really great real-play podcasts as well. Logged knave Trade Count: (+2) Full Member Offline Posts: 1580 Last login:February 01, 2025, 06:42:47 pm Re: Any DnD players in the house? «...