Pages published by WotC that are allowed to be on D&D Wiki. (2450 items) Acquired Advanced 2nd Edition (2.5e) Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, feats, races, creatures, deities, etc. (145 items) Pathfinder Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, backgrounds, creatures, deities, etc....
欢迎来到龙与地下城5E不全维基。 如无特殊说明,本站内容以DND5E版规则为主。如无特殊标明,本维基记载的所有资料均出自Wizards of the Coast LLC公开发行的资料,译本出自纯美苹果园或其他社区用户的贡献。 本维基的目的在于资源的查询与存储,因此也许会收录各种不同来源的译本;如果本维基未经允许使用了您的译本或是...
DND 5th Edition community wiki Create accountorSign in You should be logged in to clone a site. Site Navigation User Guide First Time User About Contact Legal Discussion Forums Members Create a Page Welcome to the D&D 5e wiki. Looking for rules from the 2024 sourcebooks?
Pages published by WotC that are allowed to be on D&D Wiki. (2450 items) Acquired Advanced 2nd Edition (2.5e) Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, feats, races, creatures, deities, etc. (145 items) Pathfinder Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, backgrounds, creatures, deities, etc....
2024's Books 2024 Player’s Handbook PDF The Book of Many Things Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Vecna: Eve of Ruin Quests from the Infinite
根据5e费伦设定集,如果你的邪术师和魔鬼签立契约,对象就是大魔鬼或者公爵。位于所有大公爵顶点的,是第九层大公爵,九渊地狱之主,还有很多其他头衔的,阿斯莫迪斯(Asmodeus),到博得之门3的时间线,这货是个强大神力(Greater Deity),对,不仅是大魔鬼,也是个非常强大的邪神;不过,他并不怎么需要设立自己的宗教或者培养...
Magic of the book-that's what many folk call wizardry. The name is apt, given how much time wizards spend poring over tomes and penning theories about the nature of magic. It's rare to see wizards traveling without books and scrolls sprouting from their bags, and a wizard would go to ...
5E Point Buy Calculator - A calculator for choosing stats using the point buy system Pathguy Character Generator - A web-based character creation tool that uses SRD sources Groctel’s Character Sheets - Custom character sheet by /u/Groctel Monstrous Races - This document presents rules for play...
Adds a reusable component that details different actions a player can take, including actions and bonus actions. It is required for Tidy5e Sheet, otherwise, I probably wouldn't use it.SettingDefaultRecommendedComments Limit actions to cantrips Disabled --- --- Include minute-long spells as ...