As far as ranged weapons go, we don’t rate thesling 5e. The option to deal bludgeoning damage from a distance is nice, but there’s just not enough power on offer. Whip 5e Thewhip 5eseems like a no-brainer for Indiana Jones style builds, but the damage output just isn’t that im...
To build on your example, a halfling is perfectly capable of grappling a mule, yet "realism" would follow that they'd be capable of little more than hanging off the mule as it ran off with them in tow. Even then, a fantasy whip wielder should be perfectly capable of ensaring a...
Sorcerer builds 5e If you’re considering rolling a Sorcerer and would like to see a few options – these are our favoriteSorcerer builds 5ehas for the budding caster. All of these DnD character builds use a standard 27-point build, and specify the Sorcerous Origins, Metamagic, and Ability...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
Water Whip - Monk/Way of the Four Elements discipline. Paladin Cast a Paladin spell with a casting time of 1 action - Paladin/Oath of the Ancients level 20 Elder Champion feature. Vow of Enmity - advantage on attack rolls against one creature - Paladin/Oath of Vengeance leve...
Druid 5e builds The ‘Turret Dog’ The main plan with this build is to go with the Circle of Wildfire subclass, and beef up your damage-dealing potential with fire spells. From there, you will have your fire spirit – in this case, a fire pupper – teleport around, and use it as th...
So, if you have War Caster, and you have a whip that you can use as a spellcasting focus, would that let you use Eldritch Blast on anyone who provokes an opportunity attack within 10 feet? As far as I can tell, the real question is whether "spell using the ...
If a water weird is fewer than 10 feet from the edge of its pool—which it would be if it were trying to Constrict and grapple characters who are on solid ground—can a druid cast thorn whip to pull it from its pool, killing it instantly? I believe the druid can,...
The whip effect severs Bookington Wormstrom's leg at the hip with a sickly sounding pop. His limp body hurdles toward the port side stairs leading up to the bows deck. The wizard's body slams into them with such force he breaks through. A split second later everyone hears...
Water Whip - Monk/Way of the Four Elements discipline. Paladin Cast a Paladin spell with a casting time of 1 action - Paladin/Oath of the Ancients level 20 Elder Champion feature. Vow of Enmity - advantage on attack rolls against one creature - Paladin/Oath of Vengeanc...