一件临时投掷武器有着20尺常规射程和60尺最大射程。 银质武器Silvered Weapons 某些对非魔法武器具有免疫或抗性的怪物会易受到银质武器的损害,因此某些谨慎的冒险者会投资额外的钱财以在其武器上进行镀银加工。你可以花100 gp为一件武器或十发弹药镀银。这些花费不仅仅体现了银的价格,还有在不减损武器效果的情况下将...
第4 章:个性与背景 Personality and Background 角色细节 Character Details 激励 Inspiration 背景 Backgrounds 第5 章:装备 Equipment 起始装备 Starting Equipment 财富 Wealth 护甲与盾牌 Armor and Shields 武器 Weapons 冒险用品 Adventuring Gear 工具 Tools 坐骑与载具 Mounts and Vehicles 贸易商品 Trade Goods 开...
Your subclass can improve this further, such as by granting you access to heavy armor. Unlike a Cleric, however, you can also enchant your own magicDnD weaponsand armor, and cast the Shield spell, allowing you to dance the steel tango with frontlineFighter 5echaracters. Intelligence is the k...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
Fighters share an unparalleled mastery with weapons and armor, and a thorough knowledge of the skills of combat. They are well acquainted with death, both meting it out and staring it defiantly in the face. Published •Arcane Archer
Light crossbow 5e If you’re not proficient in martial weapons, thelight crossbow 5emakes a decent replacement for the hand crossbow. It takes two hands rather than one, but it still offers excellent range and decent damage for its size and price. Again, Crossbow Expert is a must-have. ...
罗克纳Roknar弱等神力 中立邪恶 土地、阴谋与谎言之神(5E) 米娅Mya强大神力 中立善良 家庭与智慧女神 (5E) 萨玫克哈尔Tharmekhûl微弱神 绝对中立 熔岩、火焰与锻造之神,摩拉丁的随行助手 舞拉Ulaa中等神力 守序善良 山岳与宝石女神 她是灰鹰世界锻造之神布莱尔德Bleredd的妻子,身体像矮人面容像侏儒的女神,在...
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Dueling (PHB). When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Great Weapon Fighting (PHB). When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an ...
护甲与盾牌Armor and Shields 武器Weapons 冒险用品Adventuring Gear 工具Tools 坐骑与载具Mounts and Vehicles 贸易商品Trade Goods 开支Expenses 饰品Trinkets 第6 章:自定义选项Customization Options 兼职Multiclassing 专长Feats 第2 部分 第7 章:属性值应用Using Ability Scores 属性值与调整值Abil...
生命值与生命骰Hit Point and Hit Dice 角色的生命值定义了其面对战斗和其它危险状况时有多坚韧。你的生命值由你的生命骰Hit Dice(生命值骰子Hit Point Dice的简称)所决定。 第1级时,你的角色拥有1个生命骰,而该骰的类型由其职业决定。你开始时的生命值等于该骰的最高骰值,正如在相应职业的说明内容中所述(...