To do this properly you would need to bind the elemental (planar binding) or cast ceremony faster (chromurgy can do it, but that's broken). That said, RAW you summon a water elemental, which is a creature rather than actually animated water and has a specific stat block, so you would...
The Fathomless 5e Found in: Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything The aquatic subclass. Form a pact with a deep-sea monster, whether the ghost of a pirate captain feeding upon the lost souls of sailors, or a water elemental stalking the ocean floor, to gain a bunch of situational abilities tha...
Elemental, Earth (elemental) Elemental, Fire (elemental) Elemental, Water (elemental) Elf, Drow (humanoid (elf)) Ettercap (monstrosity) Ettin (giant) Flying Sword (construct) Gargoyle (elemental) Gelatinous Cube (ooze) Genie, Djinni (elemental) Genie, Efreeti (elemental) Ghast (undead) Ghost...
The best DnD 5E reference cards. 70 Easy to use cards with 5th edition stat blocks, original art and more.
With +2 Strength and +1 Charisma,Barbarian Dragonbornsare both inspiring and intimidating. Their Draconic Ancestry provides them resistance to an elemental energy type, a welcome defensive buff to this unarmored warrior. Once per short rest, aDragonborn 5echaracter can unleash a breath weapon attack...
Elemental Attunement: You can use your action to briefly control elemental forces nearby, causing one of the following effects of your choice: Create a harmless, instantaneous sensory effect related to air, earth, fire, or water, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, a spray of ligh...
Would it be balanced to remove the level requirement on my homebrew Water Jet elemental discipline for the Wot4E monk? 1 How can I optimize my dual wield fighter for damage? 7 Are there any serious balance issues with allowing all players to have access to elemental ma...
•Elemental Adept •Ember of the Fire Giant •Fey Touched •Fighting Initiate •Fury of the Frost Giant •Gift of the Chromatic Dragon •Gift of the Gem Dragon •Gift of the Metallic Dragon •Grappler •Great Weapon Master ...
施放元素法术Casting Elemental Spells。某些法门让你可施展法术。通过法门施法也适用正常的施法时间和其它...