Enable dice calculator Enabled --- --- Enable d6 pips Disabled Enabled ---DnD5e Helpers v3.0.1Some helpful automation to remind GMs of legendary actions, regeneration, undead fortitude checks, wild magic surges, auto proficiencies, and more. Also provides additional homebrew rules like open woun...
You are more likely to find the major cause of TPK - monster strength aimed at party weakness - than any generic CR calculator (eg - a party of low Con save guys vs a creature that paralyzes on save ends in a large area-of-effect vs Con. Most parties have high Con, or at ...
DnD dice roller calculator is a quick online dice-rolling tool for anyone who plays Dungeons and Dragons 5e or any table RPG that uses dice. It can roll D20, D4, D6, D8, D10, and D12 from the DnD dice set and generate a random number. Add, remove, or set numbers of dice into...