•Ranger Spells •Sorcerer Spells •Warlock Spells •Wizard Spells School •Abjuration •Conjuration •Divination •Enchantment •Evocation •Illusion •Necromancy •Transmutation All Lineages Common Dragonborn Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf ...
Spells by Class Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Fighter - Eldritch Knight Paladin Ranger Rogue - Arcane Trickster Sorcerer Warlock Wizard Spells by School Abjuration Conjuration Divination Enchantment Evocation Illusion Necromancy Transmutation Special Dunamancy Homebrew Spells Ritual Technomagic (UA) Help...
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Until you finish 1d6 long rests, you are incapable of casting the lost spells, even if you find them on a scroll or in another spellbook. After you finish the required number of rests, the spells reappear in the spell book. Once you use this reaction, you can't do so again until ...
When you do so, choose a number of artificer spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your artificer level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For example, if you are a 5th-level artificer, you have four 1st-...
This paladin spell list does not include optional spells available from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything or spells from the Unearthed Arcana playtests. For the complete paladin list, see Paladin Spell List 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level Spell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeDuration...
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