高于1 级 Beyond 1st Level 第2 章:种族 Races 选择一个种族 Choosing a Race 矮人Dwarf 精灵 Elf 半身人 Halfling 人类 Human 龙裔 Dragonborn 侏儒 Gnome 半精灵 Half-Elf 半兽人 Half-Orc 提夫林 Tiefling 第3 章:职业 Classes 野蛮人 Barbarian 吟游诗人 Bard 牧师 Cleric 德鲁伊 Druid 战士 Fighter 武僧 ...
Druid 5e spells With high-damage spells like Fire Storm and Blight, healing spells like Cure Wounds and True Resurrection, and their beast summoning spells, the Druid can fit into many roles. What is particularly helpful is how quickly the Druid can adapt to different situations, too, requiring...
At higher level When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 3rd. Page: 17 from EE Players Companion ADruid,Sorcerer,Wizard, spell Create and save your own spellbooks, sign up now!
Ambitious and portentous, Paladins of theOath of the Ancients 5esubclass throw themselves into the cosmic struggle of light versus dark, receiving some splendidDruid 5e-like powers to show for it. Much of their spell list focuses on restraining enemies, immobilizing them to cut down in your nex...
德鲁伊Druid 战士Fighter 武僧Monk 圣武士Paladin 巡林客Ranger 游荡者Rogue 术士Sorcerer 邪术师Warlock 法师Wizard 第4 章:个性与背景Personality and Background 角色细节Character Details 激励Inspiration 背景Backgrounds 第5 章:装备Equipment 起始装备Starting Equipment ...
Druid Grove (Open in new window) 6 Abjuration 10 Minutes No No Xanathars Guide To Everything Druidcraft (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Dust Devil (Open in new window) 2 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Elemental Evil Earth Tremor (Open in new window) 1...
Combat followed some time later, and the druid used wildshape to become a dire wolf. Does the effect of seeming end on the druid when it uses wildshape to turn into a dire wolf? Is the druid still under the effect of seeming after reverting to elf form? dnd-5e-2014 sp...
D&D offers options for every playstyle, whether you want to charge into battle, weave powerful spells, or outwit maneuver your foes. EachD&D 5e classbrings unique abilities, strengths, and strategies to the table—so whether you’re a first-time player or a seasoned veteran, there’s a gui...
Most sensible way to continue is to note the pouch is missing a sprig of mistletoe and move on, Wizard can't cast any spells that require sprig of mistletoe as a material component, Druid gets a free focus. dnd-5e-2014 spells spell-components spellcasting-focus Share...