The newest subclass,Lunar Sorcerycan be found in the 2022 campaign bookDragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. In theDragonlanceworld of Krynn, Lunar Sorcerers have been exposed to the magic of one (or more) of the planet’s three moons. Because there are three moons to think about, most...
Dragonborn 5e– Gets a Strength and Charisma boost, and their damage resistance and Breath Weapon have a bit of synergy with the Paladin’s stats and play style. Triton – Depending on which version of the species you use, you can have totally flexible ability score increases or a +1 to ...
Dragonborn 5e is being developed from the hatched eggs of a dragon and is considered to have some unique and distinguished features that no other races include. If handled properly, they can serve as one of the most faithful servants and are one of the real warriors of the game. ...
DND5E职业人气调查结果 levelpiece 貌似放不了链接,我发一下文字版结果: ①5E职业使用率大概分四个梯队: 1战士 2牧师、圣武士、魔导士、法师 3野蛮人 诗人 武僧 游侠 游荡者 术士 4德鲁伊 ②大家最想玩的职业前三是:魔导士(26.28%)、法师(23.71%)、圣武士(20.86%) ③不考虑兼职和谨慎兼职的玩家占大多数...
新人求问一个幽影刃的..shadow blade的说明上写造成2D8的伤害,那么这个是指武器伤害还是最终伤害呢?用他攻击结算伤害时还加力量或者敏捷的调整值吗?规则书上哪里有说明么- -?谢谢
and some holy water as we go through everything you need to know about the plane of shadow. Check out the full blog post here: Support our content: Get awesome metal dice:
DND5E职业人气调查结果 levelpiece 貌似放不了链接,我发一下文字版结果: ①5E职业使用率大概分四个梯队: 1战士 2牧师、圣武士、魔导士、法师 3野蛮人 诗人 武僧 游侠 游荡者 术士 4德鲁伊 ②大家最想玩的职业前三是:魔导士(26.28%)、法师(23.71%)、圣武士(20.86%) ③不考虑兼职和谨慎兼职的玩家占大多数...
DND5E职业人气调查结果 levelpiece 貌似放不了链接,我发一下文字版结果: ①5E职业使用率大概分四个梯队: 1战士 2牧师、圣武士、魔导士、法师 3野蛮人 诗人 武僧 游侠 游荡者 术士 4德鲁伊 ②大家最想玩的职业前三是:魔导士(26.28%)、法师(23.71%)、圣武士(20.86%) ③不考虑兼职和谨慎兼职的玩家占大多数...
DND5E职业人气调查结果 levelpiece 貌似放不了链接,我发一下文字版结果: ①5E职业使用率大概分四个梯队: 1战士 2牧师、圣武士、魔导士、法师 3野蛮人 诗人 武僧 游侠 游荡者 术士 4德鲁伊 ②大家最想玩的职业前三是:魔导士(26.28%)、法师(23.71%)、圣武士(20.86%) ③不考虑兼职和谨慎兼职的玩家占大多数...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.