欢迎来到恪职奉神For Duty & Deity,这是一场带领高等级的被遗忘的国度ForgottenRealms的角色们远离他们所熟悉的托瑞尔Toril直入那无底深渊the Abyss从恶魔领主格拉兹特the demonlord Graz'zt的魔爪中拯救被其囚禁的费伦贸易女神渥金Waukeen的冒险.显然,除此之外,他们还需要自深渊中逃离,便不可避免地会被恶魔demon们...
A cheeky peek at5e featsthat give +1 Cha can be worth it if you started with an odd score. Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything is your friend here. Shadow Touched and Fey Touched both increase your spell variety, while Telekinetic will give you something fun to do with your underutilized bo...
怯魔(Dretch (demon)) 大型炼狱毒蛇(Fiendish snake, Large viper) 炼狱狼獾(Fiendish wolverine) 四级怪物召唤术 圣光神使(Archon, lantern) 天界巨枭(Celestial giant owl) 天界巨鹰(Celestial giant eagle) 天界狮(Celestial lion) 魔蝠(Mephit (any)) ...
恶魔荒原 Demon Wastes 和阴影湿地 Shadow Marches 没有统一的政府。 卓姆 Droaam 已宣布自己是一个国家,但尚未得到条约国的承认。 接下来给伊莲娜创建队友,也就是别的PC。其他PC的待遇和伊莲娜不同(因为伊莲娜作为主角是享受偏爱和资源倾斜的)。那么先看看,初始的队友数量:1d3=3经典四人小队 改动在2023-11-03...
The Shadow Demon has cold and lightning, the Balor has fire immunity, the demon lord Juiblex has acid and mighty Orcus himself is immune to necrotic damage, but that's it, as far as I can tell. So the only immunity you could remove to "balance" this is poison...
这是《5E不全书》,即DND5e已翻译资源的整合,不是《5E全书》,也不以任何人的名字署名!. Contribute to ZYWDS233/DND5e_chm development by creating an account on GitHub.
If a devil or demon were to choose to do something inherently against its nature through accident or intention, are there any similar rules on what would happen? Are there specific in-game cases where this has happened? This is based on the information available in 5e, but lore or rules ...
Shadow Blade (Open in new window) 2 Illusion 1 Bonus Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Shadow of Moil (Open in new window) 4 Necromancy 1 Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Shape Water (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Action No No Elemental Evil Shapechange (...