Medium armorprovides more protection than light armor, but at a slight cost. You still get some of the benefit of a high Dexterity score, but not the full amount. You only add your Dex modifier to your AC up to a maximum of +2 if you’re wearing medium armor. ...
Anecdotal account: in our first D&D 5e campaign, our party found a ring of spell storing which was first attuned by our 5th level bard. Four different members of the party ended up using that ring, or casting spells into it: the Bard, the Wizard, the Cleric, and our Paladin....
If you don't want to be trapped in a ring, then the afterlife awaits you, just as if you had died normally. Finally, you don't age while in the ring as such. Aging is a body thing. You're a soul, the soul of a person who died. While you're in the ring, your body is ro...
It’s pretty obvious to anyone who even takes a cursory glance at both editions, but 3/3.5e and 5e play very differently from each other. I’ve met plenty of fans who reduce it to “5e cuts down on the math and fiddly modifiers”, but 5e reduces more than ...
机械境中等神力Intermediate Prower of Mechanus, 守序中立LN 神职PORTFOLIO:守卫Guardians,保护者protectors,保护protection 别名ALIASES:无None 神域名DOMAIN NAME:机械境Mechanus/永恒哨位Everwatch 主神SUPERIOR:无None 盟友ALLIES:托姆Torm 敌对FOES:班恩Bane(目前消逝now dead),巴尔Bhaal(目前消逝now dead),卡拉苟斯Ga...
Any creature can attune to the Ring of Spell Storing They still need to spend the hour and be able to do so, but the 6 INT should allow for that for Steeds and commanding the familiar should work the same way. Whomever is attuned, including beasts, to the ...
Ritual casting doesn't cost spell slots, and are cast at the level of the ritual spell. So, you could cast your find familiar spell into the ring. Which I think isn't a bad use, to be able to call the familiar back if (or rather when) it get squashed. Other sources ...
The various Rings of Elemental Command in the DMG (p. 190) all have basic abilities that start working as soon as you attune them, but there are other abilities that only start working if you "help slay [an] elemental" of the same type that the ring commands. As the...
How can we make this kind of live fire exercise safer for the targets? One immediate possibility would be Protection from Energy, which confers resistance from one kind of energy, like fire. Prior to the exercise, someone could cast this spell at the griffon and rider. Unfortunately, even re...
We recently noticed that the Cli Lyre, a rare Bard instrument, gives five spells: fly (3rd), invisibility (2nd), levitate (2nd), protection from evil and good (1st), stone shape(4th), wall of fire(4th) and wind wall(3rd) each once a day. Taking one l...