InDungeons & Dragons (D&D),5e races are the different species or lineages thatplayer characterscan belong to. Each race has its unique traits, abilities, andcultural backgrounds. DnD Races refer to the various humanoid species or creatures that players can choose to play as their characters in ...
第1 章:一步步创建角色 Step-by-Step Characters 高于1 级 Beyond 1st Level 第2 章:种族 Races 选择一个种族 Choosing a Race 矮人Dwarf 精灵 Elf 半身人 Halfling 人类 Human 龙裔 Dragonborn 侏儒 Gnome 半精灵 Half-Elf 半兽人 Half-Orc 提夫林 Tiefling 第3 章:职业Classes 野蛮人 Barbarian 吟游诗人 Ba...
矮人Dwarf 精靈Elf 半身人 Halfling 龍裔Dragonborn 人類Human 地侏Gnome 半精靈 Half-Elf 半獸人 Half-Ord 提夫林 Tiefling 目錄 種族特性 種族特性 每個種族的描述都包括了該種族成員共同具有的種族特性。大多數種族的特性包括以下項目: 能力值增加每個種族都會增加一個或多個角色的能力值。 年齡年齡項...
种族 2 Races 时间Time 选择一个种族Choosing a Race 移动Movement 矮人Dwarf 环境The Environment 精灵Elf 社交Social Interaction 半身人Halfling 休息Resting 人类Human 冒险之余Between Adventures 龙裔Dragonborn 第章:战斗 9 Combat 侏儒Gnome 战斗流程The Order of Combat 半精灵Half-Elf 移动与位置Movement and ...
目录Contents 前言Preface 简介Introduction 充满冒险的世界Worlds of Adventure 使用本书Using This Book 如何进行游戏How to Play 冒险Adventures 第1 部分 第1 章:一步步创建角色Step-by-Step Characters 高于1 级Beyond 1st Level 第2 章:种族Races 选择一个种族Choosing a Race 矮人Dwarf 精灵Elf 半身人Halfling...
【头 衔】锻魂者The Soul Forger,矮人之父Dwarf-Father,众神之父the All-Father,造物主the Creator 【阵 营】守序善良LG 【神 力】强大神力 【神 职】矮人(生存、复兴与进步)Dwarves (survival, renewal, and advancement),创造creation,所有类型的锻工smithing of all sorts,工艺craftsmanship,战争war,矮人种族th...
Flame: Flames race across your body, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet for the spell’s duration. The flames don’t harm you. Until the spell ends, you gain the following benefits. You have resistance to both fire and cold damage. Any ...
Your true race is what ever you picked at your character creation: Human, Elf, Dwarf, etc. and you would have all the HPs and stats that the race and your class combination gives you. You get what ever is stated in the secret that is drawn/picked as a bonus ...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
【头 衔】锻魂者The Soul Forger,矮人之父Dwarf-Father,众神之父the All-Father,造物主the Creator 【阵 营】守序善良LG 【神 力】强大神力 【神 职】矮人(生存、复兴与进步)Dwarves (survival, renewal, and advancement),创造creation,所有类型的锻工smithing of all sorts,工艺craftsmanship,战争war,矮人种族th...