Necklace of Fireballs (Wondrous item) Necklace of Prayer Beads (Wondrous item) Nine Lives Stealer (Weapon (any sword)) Oathbow (Weapon (longbow)) Oil of Etherealness (Potion) Oil of Sharpness (Potion) Oil of Slipperiness (Potion) Orb of Dragonkind (Wondrous item) Pearl of Power (Wondrous...
Maximizing spell slots This is a bit cheesy, but the optimal choice that I found would be to take another level of wizard (6 levels) and to get a Necklace of Prayer beads with 6 beads of Planar Ally (36 levels) for a total of 42 additional levels, since ...
I could divine strike 3 times per day to good effect but I was easily the worst damage dealer in the group. At level 5 with 2 attacks it is much better and now 6 spell slots and 4 branding smites in my Necklace of prayer beads means I can dish out pretty good but so...