Probably the most unusual of all the Paladin subclasses, those who take theOath of Redemption 5eare pacifists at heart, begrudgingly pursuing conflict only when all non-violent options have been exhausted. It makes for a fantastic, spell-focused support character, better suited to helping others ...
Fanatical Focus is like an angrier version of the Paladin’s Aura of Protection: once per Rage, the Zealot can reroll a failed saving throw. Zealous Presence is a potent bonus action available once per long rest, granting up to 10 allies advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until you...
Comparing Paladin Subclasses: Which Oath to Take? Discover the strengths and weaknesses of D&D's Paladin subclasses. From Vengeance to Redemption, find the perfect Oath for your playstyle and campaign. Paladin 5e: Unleashing Glory with the Oath of Heroism Discover the power of the Oath of Glory...
Paladin Clad in plate armor that gleams in the sunlight despite the dust and grime of long travel, a human lays down her sword and shield and places her hands on a mortally wounded man. Divine radiance shines from her hands, the man’s wounds knit closed, and his eyes open wide with ...
A selection of homebrew subclasses released through unofficial channels by WotC affiliated DM's Artificer •Forge Adept •Mastermaker •Maverick Barbarian •Path of the Juggernaut •Path of the Juggernaut Reborn •Path of the Depths
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
19 How to handle a Tiny Player Character in 5e? 6 This Paladin PC sounds too OP. If they are, how can I fix it? 10 How to handle irresolvable player character motives? 43 How can I handle players killing my NPC outside of combat? 24 How do I handle a ...
The paladin of the group claimed that his Divine Sense can detect if an object is cursed or not. Is that really the case? I found that a bit overpowered, but we try to keep to RAW as closely as possible. dnd-5e-2014 class-feature paladin curses Share Follow edited Jan 17, 20...
In this article, you will find new subclasses for your 5E game, including the Sacred Blaze cleric domain, Eternal Blaze warlock patron, and the Arcane Blaze sorcerous origin. By GM Lent; illustrated by Phil Stone. Brute Forces: Epitheos Monastery. The Epithets Monastery is a remote ...
least some available character options that reflect them. For example, if you’re running a grim dark setting you might want to add some extra warlock patrons or darker cleric domains. Or, in a noble-bright world you’ll probably want more paladin oaths and subclasses that don’t feel as ...