•Adept of the Black Robes •Adept of the Red Robes •Adept of the White Robes •Divinely Favored •Initiate of High Sorcery •Knight of the Crown •Knight of the Rose •Knight of the Sword •Squire of Solamnia Unearthed Arcana ...
also recommend making your life easier by checking out our guides toDnD races,DnD character sheets, and free onlineDnD character creatortools. However, if you’re already itching to get back to nature – then grab your robes and willow wand, and let’s get stuck into theDnD Druid 5e ...
The existingDragonlance character backgrounds inD&D5ecover the Mages of High Sorcery. In the world of Krynn, there is a vast and powerful order of mages, who belong to three specific groups: the black robes, the red robes, and the white robes. If a person wants to become a true mage i...
当一个人想要进行谋杀时,会向巴尔祈祷。他可能有充足理由,例如无法通过合法的手段修正不公。但更常见的是,祈祷者出于嫉妒、贪婪或愤怒而想杀人。除刺客和杀人成瘾者外,很少有人信奉巴尔。而他的牧师通常两者都能胜任。 Some people pray to Bhaal when they want to commit murder. A person might have good ...
塞伦涅Selûne 被认为是诸神中最古老的一员。大部分费伦人把天空中的月亮视作俯瞰着世界的女神,而月亮之后拖曳的光尘是她的眼泪。除了是母性与生殖期之女神外,她也是群星与导航的女神。她被视为一位平静的神力,除了混杂的其它各色人等(航海家和水手、那些在夜间诚实工作的人、那些在黑暗中寻求的保护的人、迷途...