Similar to the DnDRogue 5eclass’ Thieves Cant language,Druidicis a special and secret language of the Druids. Any non-Druids need special magic to decipher the message, making it an excellent method to pass notes to your Druid friends. Wild Shape Level: Two, Four Eight Wild Shapeis reall...
So, welcome to where we gather all our knowledge and share it with the community. We hope it’s as useful to you as it is fun for us to create!D&D 5e Class Guides D&D offers options for every playstyle, whether you want to charge into battle, weave powerful spells, or outwit maneuve...
DND 5E Rules: Dices used in DnD 5E: 3 main categories of the game: DND 5E Character Sheets PDF Download Links: 1- Races Classes Beyond 1st Level Equipment Feats Using Ability Scores Adventuring Combat Spells: Magic Items: Monsters: Running the game Appendices: What is Dungeons and Dragons or...
If you want to wield something special, you might find ourDnD magic itemsguide useful. And if you want to check what weapons your character can use, ourDnD classesandDnD racesguides can remind you. Here’s everything you need to know about DnD weapons: ...
Makers of magic-infused objects, artificers are defined by their inventive nature. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled. Instead of ephemeral spells, they seek to craft durable, useful, marvelous magical items. ...
Weak Magic Items Mithril And Mages Treasure Adventurers League Rewards NPC Tools for creating NPCs RPG Tinker Cellule's NPC Generator - source code Total Party Kill NPC Generator Google Sheets NPC Generator NPCbase - Background generator for NPCs Subclass Stat...
We did not have any (useful) magic items. I (the paladin) had an attuned Spell gem that could cast Shield of Faith (but which would have required me to be up long enough to actually cast it), and our Rogue had a pair of Boots of Flying that, for RP purposes...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
Here is my homebrew Circle of Flames/Chaos subclass for druids: Circle of Flame/Chaos Lore/Calling: Fire burns the forest and out of the ash rises new growth, just like the fire that burns the weak trees, the Druids of the Cirle of Flames reap the weakness from people...
Random Magic Items by Birdoge - Roll to generate magical item drops. Dungeon Master's Cheat Sheet - Handy! by /u/dm_magic Sane Item Prices - A PDF of items which you can let your players shop for. Sane Item Prices, Searchable - Same as above, but as a Google Docs spreadsheet. Impr...