Artificers can take the "Replicate Magic Item" infusion more than once, each time choosing a magic item that they can make with it. Can an Artificer take the "Replicate Magic Item" infusion multiple times and select the same magic item with it, and thus create more than one c...
This raises the question that if a wizard wishes to gain the greatest number of spell "slots", what is the maximum number of extra spell level "slots" this tier 2 level wizard could gain by choosing a level in a class and a rare magic item? Note of clarifi...
魔法物品 重要非玩家角色Important NPCs A Magic Items 小镇详述Town Description 使用魔法物品Using a Magic Item 红标帮恶霸Redbrand Ruffians 物品详述Item Descriptions 红标帮窝点Redbrand Hideout 附录 :怪物 B Monsters 第 部分:蜘蛛之网 3 The Spider’s Web 资料Statistics 三猪小径Triboar Trail 怪物详述...
手动对比名单如下,欢迎核对: Complete Champion Complete Mage Complete Scoundrel Magic Item Compendium Player's Handbook 2 Tome of Battle 以上。 龙路克 2-20 66 【六巫翻译】六巫のDND4E《怪物图鉴3》翻译 六花团长... 4E大法好!4E大法好!4E大法好好好! 封面罗丝镇楼 泡壶茶弄... 8-27 ...
Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: DnD game on the way from Disney Dreamlight Valley dev The definitive history of DnD is finally getting reprinted DnD Rogue 5e class guide 2023
All Hail the Machine God Artificers are the inventors of the impossible and the crafters of the arcane, capable of assembling the most wondrous and deadly of magic items. Clerics are the devout ministers of divine will, imbued with celestial power to heal the sick and smite the unworthy. Pu...
创作魔法物品Creating a Magic Item 创作新的角色选项Creating New Character Options 附录A:随机地下城Random Dungeons 附录B:怪物清单Monster Lists 附录C:地图Maps 附录D:城主启蒙读物Dungeon Master Inspirational 索引Index . 简介Interoduction 担当地下城主是一件美妙的事!你不仅能以此讲述那些 ...
创建非玩家角色 4 Creating Nonplayer 创作魔法物品Creating a Magic Item Characters 创作新的角色选项Creating New Character Options 设计非玩家角色Designing NPCs 附录 :随机地下城 A Random Dungeons 非玩家角色队友NPC Party Members 联络员Contacts 附录 :怪物清单 B Monster Lists 雇员Hirelings 小角色Extras 附录...
Check also:All D&D 5e Spells Dispel Magic 5e Casting Time:1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V S Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard As indicated by your activity, you can contact an animal with that you can arrive at enchanted, control...
Speed bonus from magic item, alternative weapon class feature, bonus spells from feat? Got you covered! Optional pages Extra pages include: spells, background, magic items/feats, rules reference, companions, wild shape, adventure logs, and notes. ...