There is a section in the DMG about activating a magic item: Activating some magic items requires a user to do something in particular, such as holding the item and uttering a command word, reading the item if it is a scroll, or drinking it if it is a potion. The d...
魔法物品 重要非玩家角色Important NPCs A Magic Items 小镇详述Town Description 使用魔法物品Using a Magic Item 红标帮恶霸Redbrand Ruffians 物品详述Item Descriptions 红标帮窝点Redbrand Hideout 附录 :怪物 B Monsters 第 部分:蜘蛛之网 3 The Spider’s Web 资料Statistics 三猪小径Triboar Trail 怪物详述...
This raises the question that if a wizard wishes to gain the greatest number of spell "slots", what is the maximum number of extra spell level "slots" this tier 2 level wizard could gain by choosing a level in a class and a rare magic item? Note of clarifi...
Drowning Rules in DnD 5e 1 year agobyMatt Zane There are no specific rules for drowning in DnD 5e; however, there are rules for suffocating, which can be used for drowning. A creature can hold its breath for (1… How to Craft a Magic Item in DnD 5e ...
创作魔法物品Creating a Magic Item 创作新的角色选项Creating New Character Options 附录A:随机地下城Random Dungeons 附录B:怪物清单Monster Lists 附录C:地图Maps 附录D:城主启蒙读物Dungeon Master Inspirational 索引Index . 简介Interoduction 担当地下城主是一件美妙的事!你不仅能以此讲述那些 充满英...
整合物品的翻译出错了,原文是“You can merge the properties of two magic items of the same rarity into a single item, provided no more than one of them requires Attunement.”,应该是“你可以将两件相同稀有度的魔法物品的词条组合成一件物品,只要这两者之间需要同调的不多于一个”而不是“只要这二者...
创建非玩家角色 4 Creating Nonplayer 创作魔法物品Creating a Magic Item Characters 创作新的角色选项Creating New Character Options 设计非玩家角色Designing NPCs 附录 :随机地下城 A Random Dungeons 非玩家角色队友NPC Party Members 联络员Contacts 附录 :怪物清单 B Monster Lists 雇员Hirelings 小角色Extras 附录...
Check also:All D&D 5e Spells Dispel Magic 5e Casting Time:1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V S Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard As indicated by your activity, you can contact an animal with that you can arrive at enchanted, control...
手动对比名单如下,欢迎核对: Complete Champion Complete Mage Complete Scoundrel Magic Item Compendium Player's Handbook 2 Tome of Battle 以上。 龙路克 2-20 66 【六巫翻译】六巫のDND4E《怪物图鉴3》翻译 六花团长... 4E大法好!4E大法好!4E大法好好好! 封面罗丝镇楼 泡壶茶弄... 8-27 ...
67 + Magic,鉴定术Identify,<BR> 侦测思想Detect Thoughts,心灵尖刺Mind Spike</TD></TR> 67 68 <TR><TD> 68 69 <P align=center>5</P></TD><TD> 解除魔法Dispel Magic,回避侦测Nondetection,巧舌术Tongues</TD></TR> 69 70 <TR><TD> @@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ 83 84 Mind</FONT></ST...