伤害:5(1d6+2)的穿刺伤害,或使用双手发动近战攻击时 6(1d8+2)的穿刺伤害。 长弓Longbow:远程武器攻击:命中+3,射程 150/600 尺,单一目标。伤害:5(1d8+1)的穿刺伤害。 中型类人生物(豺狼人),混乱邪恶 AC:15(链甲衫)HP:49(9d8+9)速度:30 尺 力量16(+3)敏捷14(+2)体质13(+1)智力8(-1)感知11(+0...
How to Get Longbow Proficiency in DnD 5e 12 months ago by Matt Zane To get longbow proficiency in DnD 5e, you need to multiclass into a Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger, or pick up the Weapon Master feat. Multiclassing into each of these… What Armor Do Wizards Start With in...
DnD 5e Blog + Resources for Adventurers and DMs DnD Lounge provides spell guides, rules tutorials, character creation generators, short adventures, and other DnD-related goodies. Our Portfolio Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Regi
so youll be quite happy with that. longbow. This is going over how I evaluate how strong a class is. Fire Bolt now deals 3d10+5 (avg. Example Wizard Build High Elf Wizard (Evoker), Practical Guide to Optional Class Features. RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common...
DND5e龙与地下城 地下城主手册5eDMG_中文_v1.0.pdf,制作组 DD 设计师主管:Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford 项目管理:Neil Shinkle, John Hay, Kim Graham 生产服务:Cynda Callaway, Brian Dumas, Jefferson Dunlap, 《城主指南》主管:Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkin
<BR> <STRONG>长弓Longbow。</STRONG>远程武器攻击,命中+5,射程150/600尺,单一目标。 伤害:5(1d8+1)的穿刺伤害加额外的10(3d6)黯蚀伤害。 <BR> 伤害:5(1d8+1)的穿刺伤害加额外的10(3d6)黯蚀伤害。 <BR> 42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions 42 模组/巨龙僭政/生物/非玩家角色/赛维林.htm ...
The Barbarian's Greataxe, Monk's Staff, Paladin's Shield, Ranger's Longbow, and more are granted via the new Signature Regalia feat. Nine items in total for the warriors in your party! By Mike Myler; illustrated by Sade. A Present for Every Class: Spellcasters. Following on from the...
(a) chain mail or (b) leather, longbow, and 20 arrows (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack Fighting Style You adopt a particular style of fight...
A longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows Favored Enemy Beginning at 1st level, you have significant experience studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain type of enemy. Choose a type of favored enemy: aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, ...
伤害:5(1d6+2)的穿刺伤害,或使用双手发动近战攻击时 6(1d8+2)的穿刺伤害。 长弓Longbow:远程武器攻击:命中+3,射程 150/600 尺,单一目标。伤害:5(1d8+1)的穿刺伤害。 中型类人生物(豺狼人),混乱邪恶 AC:15(链甲衫)HP:49(9d8+9)速度:30 尺 力量16(+3)敏捷14(+2)体质13(+1)智力8(-1)感知11(+0...