I'm a very beginner to the D&D system, so it might be something written somewhere that I haven't found (at least not in RPG Stack, the Basic Rules, and the rules provided in the Starter Set). I know it might not be usual to have multiple interruptions f...
Below are some of our top picks for Ranger races, based on the classic 5e rules: Wood Elf If you are picking your race with an optimal build in mind, Wood Elf is the way to go. You have +1 Wis and +2 Dex bonuses to boost your primary and secondary statistics. Combine that with ...
At level three, you have four superiority dice (each of which is a d8). You’ll gain one extra die at level seven and another at level 15. You can use one maneuver per attack, and you must spend a superiority die to use it. These are replenished on ashort or long rest 5e. Some...
If they get defensive and point out that it's their character's personality, calmly remind them that they were aware and agreed to the rules in which case a Chaotic Evil character was probably a very bad idea (as it often is). You can always offer them to have a fresh star...
Long Rest more often because the game has no penalty outside of a limited few scenarios where you will be warned. These are just some strategies you can try, but what I really like aboutBaldur’s Gate 3is that you’ll simply get better by passively learning the rules. You’ll level up...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
DnD5e Helpers v3.0.1Some helpful automation to remind GMs of legendary actions, regeneration, undead fortitude checks, wild magic surges, auto proficiencies, and more. Also provides additional homebrew rules like open wounds, great wounds, and measured template adjustments....
If half-orcs hit points go down to zero, they can choose to have them go down to one instead. This can only be used once, at which point he must have a long rest before regenerating the ability. This ability does not prevent an effect that causes death instead of merely reducing the...
the new Unearthed Arcana onD&D Beyond, every weapon also has a Weapon Mastery, which is an extra feature that can be applied in combat. The martial classes select multiple weapons to have Weapon Mastery in, such as a longsword and longbow, and this selection can be changed each long rest...
Solasta replicates the DnD 5e rules, if not the official setting, but at its budget and scale, Baldur’s Gate 3 is in a class of its own. BG3 is currently available in Steam Early Access, but the full Baldur’s Gate 3 release date is nearing. For more RPG games to check out in...