Another action you’ll learn is Animating Performance, which turns a Large or smaller non-magic item within 30 feet into an animated creature. It uses the Dancing Item stat block and lives for one hour (unless it has no hit points left or you die first). ...
The Chronurgy Wizard’s 6th level feature is an action that lets you stop time for a creature, as long as they’re of Large DnD size or smaller. If your target fails a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC, you can use the Momentary Stasis power to give them the Incapacitated...
A Large creature might benefit less from cover (a wall might be three-quarters cover for a Medium creature, but half cover for a Larger creature). Proportionate squeezing into smaller spaces. For example, in 5e, a Large creature can squeeze into a 5 ft. gap; compared to a Medium creature...
牛头怪 5e 由: 作者布莱恩长 分类DnD 生物, 龙与地下城 Facebook Twitter Pinterest 电子邮箱 名称: 牛头怪 规格: L大号 类型: 怪物 对准: 牛头怪 牛头怪 5e 统计数据 装甲等级: 14 命中率: 76 命中骰子: 9d10 生命值掷骰: 9天10+27 速度: 步行40 英尺 强度: 18 灵巧: 11 宪法: 16 智慧化...
该能力也可以在怪 传奇生物巢穴A Legendary Creature’s Lair 物完成一次长休或短休后恢复使用。 传奇生物可能拥有一个专有的栏目,其中述了其巢穴 例如,“充能5~6”指该能力使用一次后进入充能而无法 及其自身可在巢穴中发动的特殊效应(可能通过行动,或是意 使用。该怪物在其回合开始时,所掷d6 的结果是5 或...
Use color Enabled --- Smooth gradient Enabled --- Color bar Split green/orange down the middle, indicating Bloodied <= 50% HP. RGB --- Color of dead tokens Dark Red --- Outline Darken x 2 --- Font size x-large --- Position Top x -1 ---Death...
both creatures being fused are forced apart taking 1d10 force damage and the spell fails. If the creature fails the save, the fusion will succeed. If only one creature was unwilling and the spell fails, the willing and unwilling creatures will fight for control with contesting wisdom checks....
Worn equipment functions as normal, but the DM decides whether it is practical for the new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the creature’s shape and size. Your equipment doesn’t change size or shape to match the new form, and any equipment that the new form can’t wear ...
Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete. Animated Object Statistics SizeHPACAttackStrDex Tiny 20 18 +8 to hit, 1d4 + 4 damage 4 18 Small 25 16 +6 to hit, 1d8 + 2 damage 6 14 Medium 40 13 +5 to hit, 2d6 + 1 damage 10 12 Large ...
I’m really good with character illustrations and creature design. I have come to realize over the years that I am…not a cartographer, haha. I was able to find a map on Inkarnate that was pretty close in overall design to the world and was then able to import and modify it to ...