InDungeons & Dragons (D&D),5e races are the different species or lineages thatplayer characterscan belong to. Each race has its unique traits, abilities, andcultural backgrounds. DnD Races refer to the various humanoid species or creatures that players can choose to play as their characters in ...
Kobold Press releases the first playtest for Project Black Flag, and so far the new RPG system is sticking hard to its D&D 5e compatibility
The kobold connection to dragons can manifest in unpredictable ways in an individual kobold. Choose one of the following legacy options when you select this race: You have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself. You know one cantrip of your choice from...
This supplement is the fourth part of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5E. In these pages you will find setting and background information on the ZEITGEIST campaign setting, and the nations of Risur and Ber, encompassing land and culture, major cities, race, religion, and government. Learn ...