根据5e费伦设定集,如果你的邪术师和魔鬼签立契约,对象就是大魔鬼或者公爵。位于所有大公爵顶点的,是第九层大公爵,九渊地狱之主,还有很多其他头衔的,阿斯莫迪斯(Asmodeus),到博得之门3的时间线,这货是个强大神力(Greater Deity),对,不仅是大魔鬼,也是个非常强大的邪神;不过,他并不怎么需要设立自己的宗教或者培养...
根据5e费伦设定集,如果你的邪术师和魔鬼签立契约,对象就是大魔鬼或者公爵。位于所有大公爵顶点的,是第九层大公爵,九渊地狱之主,还有很多其他头衔的,阿斯莫迪斯(Asmodeus),到博得之门3的时间线,这货是个强大神力(Greater Deity),对,不仅是大魔鬼,也是个非常强大的邪神;不过,他并不怎么需要设立自己的宗教或者培养...
That said, I have not run a session with 5e rules and campaign yet.. so we will see how it compares when im in the thick of it. Just wanted to say too, your post here was very helpful and interesting.. it helped me decide which adventures to purchase first and read and enjoy and...
Summon Greater Demon (Open in new window) 4 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Summon Lesser Demons (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Sunbeam (Open in new window) 6 Evocation 1 Action No Yes Players Handbook Sunburst (...
Fell Grafts: Demons & Devils. Have you ever wanted an abyssal hide, balor wings, a devil's arm, a wretch's belch, an imp's eye, infernal horns, or vrock feathers? of course you have! Or at least, your 5E character has. Right? Designer Mike Myler brings you rules for infernal bo...
石化蜥蜴笨重而迟钝因而 直⾄其受法术⾼等复原术 greater restoration 或其他魔法解除 难以追猎其他生物。只是它们并不必辛苦捕猎。它们会用自己 该效应。 神奇的凝视能力将猎物迅速转变成松动的石头,再用强健的 未遭受突袭的⽣物可以避开⽯化蜥蜴的⺫光,以免除在其 下颚将石头嚼碎,而这些石头将会在石化蜥蜴...
You previously pursued a simple profession among the peasantry, perhaps as a farmer, miner, servant, shepherd, woodcutter, or gravedigger. But something happened that set you on a different path and marked you for greater things. Choose or randomly determine a defining event that marked you as ...