A more merciful DM would probably choose to throw Tiamat’s servants at a party rather than the goddess herself. A Dragonborn of the Talons of Tiamat might make a worthy foe, or a mighty Aspect of Tiamat – a version of the god that can manifest on the MaterialPlane. Both appear as mo...
In the Forgotten Realms, the order of the Dark Moon is made up of monks dedicated to Shar (goddess of loss), who maintain secret communities in remote hills, back allies, and subterranean hideaways. Monasteries of Ilmater (god of endurance) are named after flowers, and their orders carry ...
Summary:One of DnD’s iconic villains – a tyrannical, five-headed dragon goddess. Challenge Rating:30 She goes by many names: The Chromatic Dragon, Queen of Chaos, Nemesis of the Gods. No list of D&D dragons would be complete withoutTiamat, the evil goddess that rules over chromatic dragon...
GoddessSaveTheQueen Godlike Golden Sky Stories Guildes QdO Gumshoe by Roll20 Gumshoe_TrailOfCthulhu H&D HARP Hack The Planet HackMaster_4E HackMaster_5E Hakai Kousen Halo_Mythic Halo_Mythic_3dot5 Hard Wired Island Hardboiled HarnMaster3 Harry Potter JDR Harry Potter Haunted-House_Spanish Hawkm...
dnd本身有许多相关的网站,最出名的是纯美苹果园,纯美苹果园网站的dnd版区:https://防www.goddessfa止ntasy.n 疯已觉 1-25 30 【翻译发布】圣者五部曲4:谎言王子 零与地下... 总之就是重译,已经是第四本了,圣者五部曲里4是文笔最好的,好到出类拔萃的程度,就算不看1235也可以单独看看4,不会有阅读...
【头 衔】可敬的母亲The Revered Mother,母神the Mother Goddess,家与壁炉的女主人Matron of Home and Hearth,安全、真实与家园之母Mother of Safety, Truth, and Home 【阵 营】守序善良LG 【神 力】中等神力 【神 职】安全Safety,真实truth,家home,治疗healing,矮人的家庭生活dwarven home life,记录records,...
underground denizens ready to insert into your game world: Ruby, the smirking component-seeking campion; Black Bones, the former cat familiar; Prince Velm Ducroix, the corpulent vampire gossip; Satuiel, wandering wererat salesman; and Adrian Alexa, the last daughter of an ancient sea goddess....
in 2005; the short story “All You Zombies” by Robert Heinlein which I read when I was about ten years old; and the concept of “Arcane Resonance” from a game I’m still fleshing out called Forbidden Empire, which is the second game in the Wrath of the Fallen Goddess planned ...
as their goddesses are enemies. Some of the Gods that could offer interesting roleplaying opportunities are Beshaba (the Goddess of Misfortune) and Tymora (the Goddess of Luck), considering how chance plays such a big part in the game. Sune (the Goddess of Love) is a natural pick, consid...
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