Giant Rat1/8 Giant Spider1 Gibbering Mouther2 Gnoll1/2 Goblin1/4 Gray Ooze1/2 Guard1/8 Harpy1 Hobgoblin1/2 Homunculus0 Imp1 Knight3 Kobold1/8 Lizardfolk1/2 Mage6 Manticore3 Mastiff1/8 Mimic2 Minotaur3 Monster Ogre2 Orc1/2
At third level, Giant’s Power gives you the ability to speak the Giant5e language, as well as cast the Druidcraft or ThaumaturgyDnD cantrips. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability here, but we don’t recommend taking it on as another priority ability score – you’ve got enough on your ...
While many classes can wield powerful magic, what sets Druids apart is their shape-shifting abilities, allowing them to become beasts, augment their physical appearance to suit harsh terrain, and – later on – even shift into giantDnD monsters. Druid 5e stats Whatever race you choose, we rec...
5E PHB玩家游戏规则&手册:“无论他们的起源和使命,圣骑士们都通过誓言团结在一起来抵抗邪恶力量,无论是在众神的祭坛和祭司的见证之前宣誓,或作为唯一见证逝者的绝望和悲伤瞬间,那么圣骑士的誓言就是一个强大的纽带,并给予一流的虔诚战士力量来源。根德里 沃特斯Gendry Waters - 种族 - 异变体人类(精通重武器...
Dungeons & Dragons 第五版有一些很棒的已发布战役模块,供玩家和 DM 在计划下一次冒险时选择。当大多数人开始玩龙与地下城时,他们的第一站将是海岸威世智创建的众多预先编写的游戏模块之一。这些冒险模块有故事情节、战斗遭遇和魔法物品,让每个人都直接进入冒险。最棒的是,D&D 5e有一些精彩的冒险,供玩家和DM...
「DND5e新闻」D&D Beyond 更新风波,威世智作出调整 前言回顾 D&D Beyond即将迎来2024 5e的过渡 近期,我们公布了一项变更日志,详细阐述了玩家如何在D&D Beyond上体验2024核心规则手册。我们深知玩家们的反馈至关重要,因此非常感激大家提供的意见。我们原本以为,将2014 5e规则免费升级至2024玩家手册会是一项受欢迎的...
Before you start creating cool abilities and attacks, think about what itis. And I just don’t mean to decide if it will be a giant spider or a chimera—think about what you want your players to feel when they encounter it. Want them to feel disgusted? Add some slime and stick...
Spider Climb is a spell that's available as of level 2, with a castingtime of 1 Action for D&D 5e - Read up on all the spells on DND-Spells | Dungeons and Dragons 5e - Spells, Tools, Spell cards, Spellbooks'
拉瑞安表示《博德之门3》旨在紧扣DnD5E规则灵魂 拉瑞安工作室最近在PAX East 2020上展示了《博德之门3》的首个准Alpha预览实机片段。尽管观众的反应总体上是积极的(除了台上出现的一些bug),但对于某些设计和展示的抉择,还是有人提出了批评。其他人只是更好奇为什么游戏的最大队伍人数是4人而不是6人。拉瑞安首席...