This ritual consumes the other sword, as well as its worth in gems, rare herbs, or other forms of material wealth (land and property excluded). Once this ritual has been performed, the magical powers of the previous sword are transferred into the Sword of Forgotten Heroes. For ex...
That's a price drop of 1/1,625 for crushing gems into dust*. So your 500gp ruby is now 500/1625 gp or 0.3gp. That's the equivalent of 3sp if 1gp is 10sp. So in the real world the price really gets crushed. The dust costs more In the real world however, you can't use g...
For example, in 5e they gender bend the ruler of Falkovnia – Vlad Drakov – into Vladeska Drakov. In my game, Valdeska is the daughter of the original Dark Lord who has systematically butchered her many, many siblings to take the reigns of power as the undisputed ruler of the land. ...
he attracted the notice of one of the most powerful thieves’ guilds in the city, and he ascended the ranks of the guild quickly despite his youth. Artemis became the favored assassin of one of the city’s pashas, who sent him to far-off Icewind Dale to recover some stolen gems. He’...