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Gem Flight, Fizban's Treasure of Dragons, pg. 11 You can use a bonus action to manifest spectral wings for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest...
"Worth at least X gp" is a short, convenient indication of the item's quality. 5e PH does not describe any specific criteria of "worthing X gp" (hence, being suited for the spell) - it only says the item's guiding price, one number instead of a bunch of words. It's the DM who...
What prices would we use then? Last edited by DarkSch666: Jul 19, 2023 #51 Jul 19, 2023 Wi1dBi11 View User Profile View Posts Send Message Initiate of the 3rd Circle Location: Long Island NY Join Date: 6/8/2021 Posts: 3,230 Yes 5e is designed to be anti crafting ...
When you break down the economics or the price requirement on spells you can clearly see this doesn't stack up. If you're in a region where prices are higher because a lack of supply or lower because of over supply that doesn't mean you start having to factor in inflation, production ...
Everything here is what's canon for 5e, I can't speak to earlier editions. tl;dr Every soul starts as a Lemure which is the only type of devil that can die in the Nine Hells and reform. Every other soul becomes a ranked devil of some sort, and with that increased power ...
I was fine with this, as I remembered the usage time for a Spell Gem being 1 Action. However, one of the players (a GM himself) said, “That cannot be right, the casting time shouldn’t change.” So we checked exact wording after the session....