6.5Etool https://5e.tools/index.html7.费伦大讲堂视频 https://space.bilibili.com/826776/channel/index8.B站UP主AIever3的DND视频 https://space.bilibili.com/24292898/video9.DND背景设定视频 https://space.bilibili.com/2723422/channel/index10.5E模组介绍视频 https://space.bilibili.com/14276654/...
潮音洞穴 4 Wave Echo Cave 被遗忘国度The Forgotten Realms 角色等级Character Level 第 部分:地精箭头 1 Goblin Arrows 经验奖励Experience Point Awards 地精伏击Goblin Ambush 游荡怪物Wandering Monsters 克拉摩窝点Cragmaw Hideout 通用特征物General Features 第 部分:凡达林 关键遭遇Keyed Encounters 2 Phandalin ...
Wizards of the Coast's DnD Ranger 5e is tough, dextrous, and indispensable - here are the best Ranger DnD races, subclasses, and spells. Emma Partlow Published:7 days ago Dungeons and Dragons TheDnD Ranger 5eclass is a dexterous martial fighter, as adept with a bow as they are with a ...
Forgotten Realms contains numerous planes of existence other than the regular, material plane, many of which are dark and full and terrors – but theShadowfell, also called the Plane of Shadow, may be the bleakest. If you want to venture into DnD 5e’s darkest realm, read on for full de...
My 5e homebrew world is set in the same cosmos as Faerun, but on a different world, so this is a Forgotten Realms question. I want to introduce a mercenary guild that issues magical items to clients that can be used to call upon the guild's mercenaries with the press of a button. Te...
5e没有明确活着的的大奥术师,但是有大量的耐瑟奥术师不知道死没死,参见wikihttps://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Arcanists_(2e) 来自Android客户端11楼2023-04-13 16:49 回复 刀塔好累 树绳妖 10 找老师去找精灵或者哈鲁阿呗,为啥非得是废物大奥 来自Android客户端12楼2023-04-14 01:57 回复...
Running Planescape 5E will allow you to explore all of the D&D homeworlds, but what about the rulebooks? The current rulebooks are strongly biased toward using the Forgotten Realms as the default setting, which makes sense as it’s the most popular one among fans. Now that Planescape is ba...