Best Barbarian 5e stats The primary ability score for all Barbarians is Strength. This is the key stat for wielding the biggest melee weapons, like the Barbarian’s iconic Greataxe. Plus, the class feature Rage (at first level) and Reckless Attack (at second) provide extra bonuses to Strengt...
Your subclass can improve this further, such as by granting you access to heavy armor. Unlike a Cleric, however, you can also enchant your own magicDnD weaponsand armor, and cast the Shield spell, allowing you to dance the steel tango with frontlineFighter 5echaracters. Intelligence is the k...
•Weapons •Firearms •Explosives •Wondrous Items •Currency •Poisons •Tools •Siege Equipment Feats Published •Aberrant Dragonmark •Actor •Alert •Artificer Initiate •Athlete •Cartomancer •Charger •Chef •Crossbow Expert ...
Martial Arts:Your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes and monk weapons, which are shortswords and any simple melee weapons that don’t have the two-handed or heavy properties. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage ...
A master of martial combat, skilled with a variety of weapons and armor d10 Strength or Dexterity Strength & Constitution All armor, shields, simple and martial weapons Monk A master of martial arts, harnessing the power of the body in pursuit of physical and spiritual perfection d8 ...
New 5E weapon properties include capacity, chain fire, and double-action are joined by the new weapons - the carbine, pepperbox pistol and rifle, pocket pistol, revolver, and rifle. Finally, we include new feats such as Greased Lightning and Mounted Musketeer. By Walt Ciechanowski; ...
布鲁诺的心结在其背景故事中显而易见:他渴望有一日 • 使用远程武器 ranged weapons 的攻击,其攻击检定和伤 能从驱逐矮人离开的影龙处收复秘银厅,也即是他的故乡。他 害掷骰使用敏捷调整值。具有投掷特质的武器(例如一把手 的缺点与他谨慎敏感的天性联系在一起——他对孤儿和任性 斧 handaxe )可以用力量调整...
费伦人通常不向巴尔祈祷。他被认为是一个极度邪恶和充满破坏欲的神。他渴望死亡——这意味着不择手段地杀戮。 The folk of Faerûn don't normally pray to or acknowledge Bhaal. He is seen as a deeply evil and destructive deity who hungers for death —— meaning the death of any sentient beings...
Very late response since I travelled to an old thread but an eldritch invocation that is mandatory for hexblades makes your pact weapon have +1 on all damage and weapon rolls (on top of making it your arcane focus and broadening the options of your pa...