Wargamer has a dedicated guide to playing the the Eldritch Knight 5e subclass: here’s the essential information you need to use the class. Eldritch Knight 5e rules Level Subclass abilities 3 Spellcasting, Weapon Bond, two Wizard Cantrips 7 War Magic 10 Eldritch Strike, +1 Wizard Cantrip ...
D&D 5e(第五版龙与地下城)的职业一览表如下:战士(Fighter):战士是战斗中的中坚力量,擅长近战和防御。主要子职业包括:冠军(Champion):专注于战斗技巧和领导力。冠军卫士(Battle Master):擅长战术和策略。冠军守护者(Eldritch Knight):结合了魔法和战斗技巧。冠军游侠(Horde Breaker):专门对付成群敌人。游荡者(Rogue)...
Warlocks are one of the simplest spellcasters to start playing, but a huge number of customization options means this can be one of the toughestDnD classesto playwell. Choosing yourDnD Warlock subclass, picking a Pact Boon, and navigating the list ofEldritch Invocations 5eis a tricky balance ...
魔能长枪Eldritch Spear先决条件:习得戏法魔能爆施展魔能爆eldritch blast时,射程变为300尺。斥力魔爆Repelling Blast先决条件:习得戏法魔能爆施展魔能爆eldritch blast时,你可以将被命中的生物沿直线往远离你的方向推动至多10尺。 6楼2024-07-28 11:37 收起回复 ...
Designer Mike Myler brings us six new dungeon-themed sub-classes for your 5E characters. The Barbarian Survivalist is able to to display impressive reliance; the Fighter Sentinel excels when her back is to the wall; the Monk Acrobat can backflip and wall-run with the best of them; the ...
10. Legionnaire Fighter A legionnaire in action. [Art by Liclillac] It’s quite surprising that given the role of fighters within a party that there aren’t more tankish subclasses. The Legionnaire is just that subclass, specializing in the use of a shield and protecting their teammates. ...
Players looking to make the most powerful Wizard can do well to build the right foundation from level 1. Making the right decisions from the very beginning will lead to the strongest possible character, resulting in a powerful Wizard who can dominate encounters. With that in mind, there are ...
Fighter: Already get more attacks than anyone else at the higher levels, with Action Surge granting them even more but not another bonus action. Cavalier and Eldritch Knight already get bonus action attacks at certain levels, Samurai needs the bonus action for its main feature, Battlemaste...
Fighter Class Details Thechampion modelenables the character to concentrate on the sheer capacity to convey more harm. Fight Master model spotlights strategies of battling through moves. The Eldritch Knight model opens up restricted enchantment enabling the fighter to cast a few spells. Sword Coast Ad...
Your subclass can improve this further, such as by granting you access to heavy armor. Unlike a Cleric, however, you can also enchant your own magicDnD weaponsand armor, and cast the Shield spell, allowing you to dance the steel tango with frontlineFighter 5echaracters. ...