Just get in there and have fun, 5e will make a lot more sense once you have a session or two under your belt. 🙂 Reply Fey says: July 22, 2021 at 10:57 pm Very helpful, thank you! I usually homebrew and can’t wait to get back to in-person, but this fall promises to be...
whimsical realm where logic has little meaning and emotion shapes reality. Grab a cup of tea and don’t give any strange fairies your name as we go through everything you need to know. Read the full blog post here: https://www.skullsplitterdice.com/blogs/dnd/feywild-5e Like our ...
DPR - Before the Feywild 02 - Pane Di Casa播放 It's just another day in Burrow's Heart for Doelene, until time starts playing tricks on her. Or is it fate? Tune in to see where it all started for our resident harengon wizard as Dice Paper Role play The Wild Beyond t...
运作游戏 8 Running the Game 位面旅行Planar Travel 星界位面Astral Plane 跑团原则Table Rules 以太位面Ethereal Plane 掷骰The Role of Dice 妖精荒野Feywild 属性值应用Using Ability Scores 堕影冥界Shadowfell 探索Exploration 内层位面Inner Planes 社交Social Interaction 外层位面Outer Planes 物件Objects 其他位面...
边栏:妖精荒野的类地精 Goblinoids of the + Feywild +地精、大地精与熊地精等类地精种族早在数百万年前就已经出现在了妖精荒野,他们居住于此,直到神明马格鲁耶比将他们征服。自此之后,他们的身影遍布整个多元宇宙,而其中许多支地精最终在物质位面定居。其他人在这些世界中遇见的大部分类地精都是已经离开妖精荒原有几...
quest for The Alliance is to investigate why two of the divining rods which allow The Alliance to foresee evil and corruption are no longer functioning... --- Vigil is a homebrew actual play campaign using DnD 5e (with some homebrew rules). The party: Andromeda, Aasimar, Level 5 Wizard,...
运作游戏 8 Running the Game 位面旅行Planar Travel 星界位面Astral Plane 跑团原则Table Rules 以太位面Ethereal Plane 掷骰The Role of Dice 妖精荒野Feywild 属性值应用Using Ability Scores 堕影冥界Shadowfell 探索Exploration 内层位面Inner Planes 社交Social Interaction 外层位面Outer Planes 物件Objects 其他位面...