Some of these languages are actually families of languages with many dialects. For example, the Primordial language includes the Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran dialects, one for each of the four elemental planes. Creatures that speak different dialects of the same language can communicate with ...
connected in strange and mysterious ways to one another and to other planes of existence, such as the Elemental Plane of Fire and the Infinite Depths of the Abyss. Within this multiverse are an endless variety of worlds. Many of them have been published as official settings for the D&D...
Dungeon Masters will get the most out of its worldbuilding and monster stat blocks, but players can also learn a lot from the deep dives into different races, monsters, and planes. Sadly, though, this excellent book is now considered a ‘legacy’ title, with some of its content reworked ...
元素生物Elementals 指元素位面的原生生物。某些该类 型的生物只是其对应元素活动成分的集合,那些直称为元素 的生物就是其中之一。此外其余的元素生物则在拥有生物形 态的同时充满了元素的能量。其中,巨灵genie 种族(包括气 巨灵djinn 和火巨灵efreet)在元素位面里是最重要的文明物 ...
除了基本规则书中的《故土英雄》和《亡国英雄》,4E精华版另有三本英雄书,分别是《暗影英雄》Heroes of Shadow、《精界英雄》Heroes of the Feywild和《元素英雄》Heroes of the Elemental Chaos,分别是相应主题的玩家资源扩展。 【装备扩展书】精华版有一本扩展装备的书籍,即《魔邓肯的宏伟商城》Mordenkainen's ...
You have made a pact with one of the rarest kinds of genie, a noble genie. Such entities rule vast fiefs on the Elemental Planes and have great influence over lesser genies and elemental creatures. Noble genies are varied in their motivations, but most are arrogant and wield power that ...
Elemental Evil Player's Companion Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse Tracing their ancestry to the genies of the Elemental Planes, each genasi can tap into the power of one of the elements. Air, earth, fire, and water — these are the four pillars of the Material Plane and ...
The Fathomless 5e Found in: Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything The aquatic subclass. Form a pact with a deep-sea monster, whether the ghost of a pirate captain feeding upon the lost souls of sailors, or a water elemental stalking the ocean floor, to gain a bunch of situational abilities tha...
Xorn (elemental) Zombie (undead) Running the game Traps Diseases Madness Objects Poisons Appendices: Appendix PH-A: Conditions Appendix PH-B: Fantasy Hestorical Pantheons Appendix PH-C: The Planes of Existence Appendix MM-A: Miscellaneous Creatures Appendix MM-B: Nonplayer Characters Final Words: ...
不像精灵神系,摩丁萨曼诸神的成员散居在各个外层位面the Outer Planes。这可能是矮人对于领土与生存空间的欲望的象征和反映;这就像凡物矮人会去不断探索地表世界下的新疆域一样。祂们有个怪癖,只要有可能,就会尽量让自己的化身展现地身材巨大——以摩拉丁为例,高达20呎。矮人神学家们相信,这是祂们的积极天性的...