德鲁伊(Druid):德鲁伊擅长自然魔法和生存技能。主要子职业包括:梦境结社(Dreamspeaker):与梦境和幻觉相关。星辰结社(Starlit Span):与星辰和宇宙相关。守护者(Circle of the Land):专注于特定地形。守护者(Circle of the Moon):专注于野兽和自然。法师(Wizard):法师擅长使用魔法,但生命值较低。主要子职业包括:咒术...
Some of the Druid’s circle subclasses enhance this feature even more, unlocking far more powerful creatures to transform into – or letting them use their ‘Wild Shape uses’ for entirely separate abilities. At level two, a Druid can turn into any beast that can’t swim or fly, with a ...
At 2nd level, you choose to identify with a circle of druids: the Circle of the Land or the Circle of the Moon, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level. Ability Score Improvement When you...
Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the fey, and call to those spirits for aid. These druids recognize that all living things play a role in the natural world, yet they focus on protecting animals and fey creatures...
Circle of the MoonDruid 5e(17) Race: Kalashtar Feats: Ability score improvement The concept of the Bear-barian is simple. Step one, combine Rage withDnD Wild Shape. Step two,damage. Technically, you only need one level in the Barbarian class to achieve this goal. Many builds advise that...
•Circle of the Land •Circle of the Moon •Circle of the Shepherd •Circle of Spores •Circle of Stars •Circle of Wildfire Unearthed Arcana(a) •Circle of the Primeval TheFighter Fighters share an unparalleled mastery with weapons and armor, and a thorough knowledge of the skills...
no longer functioning... --- Vigil is a homebrew actual play campaign using DnD 5e (with some homebrew rules). The party: Andromeda, Aasimar, Level 5 Wizard, School of DivinationAugustus Warren, Harengon, Level 5 Druid, Circle of WildfireEnid Warren, Hargenon, Level 5 Ranger, Fey ...
KnightoftheChalice圣杯骑士 KnightoftheMiddleCircle中环骑士 MasterofShrouds亡魂之主 SacredExorcist神圣驱魔师 SacredFist神拳使 Templar(Epic)圣堂武士(传奇等级) Warpriest(Epic)战争司祭(传奇等级) DRAGONLANCECAMPAIGNSETTING龙枪战役设定 KnightofNeraka奈拉卡骑士 KnightofSolamnia索兰尼亚骑士 LegionnaireofSteel钢铁骑士团...
The best subclass of Barbarians and Druids is Circle of the Moon. The druid is another class that focuses on spellcasting too muchto be an effectiveD&D 5eBarbarian multiclass. Subclasses like the Circle of the Land are almost useless to the Barbarian. Even if Barbarians take out-of-combat ...
Circles of Power: 3 New Druid Circles. There are many types of druid in fiction and film with widely differing specializations. This article explores three new Druid Circles to help bring variety to your game table. Explore the Circle of Birds and Beasts, the Circle of the Elements, and the...