Counterspell (Open in new window) 3 Abjuration Special No No Players Handbook Create Bonfire (Open in new window) 0 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Elemental Evil Create Food and Water (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Create Homunculus (Open in new window) 6...
在最大的城市中,你几乎能买到任何能想到的东西,从异国香料和奢华服装,到藤编篮子和练习用剑,应有尽有。 作为一名冒险者,护甲、武器、背囊、绳索等货物的补给至关重要,毕竟在地下城与未开化的荒野中,是否备有合适的装备直接意味着生与死的区别。本章将详细说明冒险者们在D&D世界中面对威胁时,能够派上用场的或平...
法器Spellcasting Focus 你可以使用盗贼工具和你具有熟练项的工匠工具作为你施展奇械师法术的法器。当你在第2级获得物品注法特性和复制魔法物品特性后,你也能将任何你注法的物品和你自己复制出来的魔法物品作为你施展奇械师法术的法器。 戏法Cantrips 第1级时,你从奇械师法术列表中习得三个戏法。在更高的等级,你...
but it makes the class association explicit: you are gaining a feature specifically associated with the warlock class, which means that the relevant spellcasting ability must be the one defined in the warlock class: Charisma.
While casting from an item is not the same as a Casting a Spell action, it is still casting a spell. Unless a term is given a special definition in 5e game terms, you use the common definition for that term. You are casting the spell, the ability to do s...
Paladin Ranger Multiclass Guide - Hunt the Unholy Rangers are martial survivalists, tough but with adaptable features and a touch of spellcasting for withstanding what the wilderness can throw at you. Paladins are holy champions, scions of celestial power and keepers of divine oaths. Put them to...
攻击Making an Attack 第章:职业 3 Classes 掩护Cover 伤害与治疗Damage and Healing 野蛮人Barbarian 骑乘战斗Mounted Combat 吟游诗人Bard 水下战斗Underwater Combat 牧师Cleric 德鲁伊Druid 第 部分 3 战士Fighter 武僧Monk 第 章:施法 10 Spellcasting 圣武士Paladin 巡林客Ranger 法术是什么What Is a Spell ?
施法Spellcasting 某些怪物拥有超过典型的20 级队伍可以应付的能力。这 拥有施法职业特性的怪物,将获得相应的施法者等级及 些怪物通常会拥有超过20 的挑战等级,其设计是为了让玩家 法术位,这些数据作用于施法特性所包含的 1 环或更高环阶 们尝试使用各种技巧来扭转战局。 法术(如 《玩家手册》中所述)。施法者等级...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
1级可以打出20D6(远程接触,反射DC20减半,一半是火焰伤害)的夸张伤害 其他的等有空了再找找 ...