施法时间:4小时 要素:咒语V,手势S,材料M (一滴神血与一滴虹彩神龙/Mythic Wyrm Prismatic Dragon血液的混合物,以及一些提亚马特的鳞片粉末,将被法术消耗)(笔者注:这个所谓的虹彩神龙也是这个变体规则自己编的东西,而且我在看的时候原作者已经把设定删掉了,大家就把他当成某种很强大的龙就行) 持续时间:瞬间 必需...
此外,当你受到其中一种伤害时,你可以使用你的反应和消耗一个生命骰来施展法术吸收元素Absorb Elements。 野蛮人职业特性Class Features 狂暴Rage 你带着原初的狂怒作战。你可以在自己回合内以一个附赠动作进入狂暴。狂暴持续期间,只要你未着装重甲就获得以下增益:• 你进行力量检定和力量豁免时具有优势。• 你用力量...
创建冒险 3 Creating Adventures 疯狂Madness 经验值Experience Points 大冒险的基本要素Elements of a Great Adventure 第章:城主工坊 已出版的冒险Published Adventures 9 Dungeon Master ’s Workshop 冒险故事结构Adventure Structure 属性选用项Ability Options 冒险类型Adventure Types 冒险选用项Adventuring Options 困境...
A Kobold who dreams of being aDnD dragonrider and builds their own dragon has a lot of roleplaying hooks. There are a thousand ways to describe the bizarre and unlikely contraptions they use to bring their dreams to life. Mechanically it’s pretty powerful, since a Kobold riding its Steel ...
Absorb Elements (Open in new window) 1 Abjuration Special No No Elemental Evil Acid Splash (Open in new window) 0 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Aganazzar’s Scorcher (Open in new window) 2 Evocation 1 Action No No Elemental Evil Aid (Open in new window) 2 Abjuration 1 Act...
The definitive guide to dragons in your DnD 5e games, rules for dragon companions, dragon combat and ancient draconic rune magic from the Dragonbond universe. Pre-Order 發起人: Draco Studios 有3,199 名支持者認繳了$ 311,758,幫助此專案變為現實。
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
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Monks following the Way of the Astral Self 5e believe that their true self exists on the astral plane. Their meditation and discipline allow them to summon elements of that being onto the physical plane to aid them in their adventuring. The different aspects of the Astral Self provide differe...