Top DnD Spells 5e List with effects, uses, and tips to boost your character's power in every campaign
bearded, hammer-wielding creatures who value the heritage of their clans as much as gold and fine jewels. Known for their masterful metalwork and mining, the dwarves of D&D are most at home in the mountains.
As a bonus action, the Psi Warrior can pick up creatures within 30 feet equal to half its Intelligence modifier to give them the benefits of half cover for one minute (or until it’s knocked out). It can include itself in this number. This ability can be used once per long rest, or...
Random Beach Encounters - Designed for seaside adventures, this generator throws characters into situations with shipwrecked sailors, hidden pirate treasures, or mysterious sea creatures leaving tracks on the sandy shores. It's perfect for stories that require a touch of the ocean's unpredictability an...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
School of Conjuration : The School of Conjuration is all about summoning creatures and objects. School of Divination : Experts in seeing into the future, divination wizards use their abilities to manipulate the battlefield School of Enchantment : As the name implies, wizards in the School of Ench...
Regarding alternate books forD&D character race options, there is the Bugbear and the Changeling races from Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. The Bugbear deals an additional 2d6 damage against creatures that haven’t taken their turn yet, while Changelings can alter their appearance...
The 5e MM illustration does not show us its tail; both the 1e version and the plastic toy on which it was based had a long, heavy tail which may have helped it be primarily bipedal by counterbalancing. A note about Perytons Perytons are bipedal, size Medium creatur...
The blog of holding did a thorough 5e analysis, but Darth Pseodonym is right, your easiest route is to use existing stat blocks for your custom monsters. If you do end up writing completely custom creatures, I suggest using the blog of holding's monster manual on a business ca...
Duration:Concentration, up to 1 minute Up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract...