第6 章:自定义选项 Customization Options 兼职Multiclassing 专长 Feats 第2 部分 第7 章:属性值应用 Using Ability Scores 属性值与调整值 Ability Scores and Modifiers 优势与劣势 Advantage and Disadvantage 熟练加值 Proficiency Bonus 属性检定 Ability Checks 各属性值应用 Using Each Ability 豁免检定 Saving ...
之后根据你选择种族的结果对你的属性值做出任何调整。在分配完属性后,使用表格“属性值和调整值”查出你各属性值所对应的属性调整值ability modifiers。决定某个属性数值未包含在表中范围的属性值其调整值时,你可以将该项属性值减去10在将结果除以2(向下取整)。随后在你每个属性值旁记下相应的调整值。 属性值摘要Ab...
So basically the class is the thing which determines how you play along with an extra bonus from Race and Backgrounds. Besides this, you can use the dnd character creator tool to get some more interest in the game. Dices: Dices used in DnD 5E: There are 6 types of dices used in the...
自定义选项 前言Preface 6 Customization Options 兼职Multiclassing 简介Introduction 专长Feats 第 部分 充满冒险的世界Worlds of Adventure 2 使用本书Using This Book 第章:属性值应用 如何进行游戏How to Play 7 Using Ability Scores 冒险Adventures 属性值与调整值Ability Scores and Modifiers 第 部分 优势与劣势...
兼职Multiclassing 专长Feats 第2 部分 第7 章:属性值应用Using Ability Scores 属性值与调整值Ability Scores and Modifiers 优势与劣势Advantage and Disadvantage 熟练加值Proficiency Bonus 属性检定Ability Checks 各属性值应用Using Each Ability 豁免检定Saving Throws 第8 章:冒险Adventuring 时间Ti...
DnD_5E_新手套组_基础入门规则CN.pdf,STARTER SET RULEBOOK 入门套组规则书 龙与地下城第五版 第 1 章:如何游戏 How to Play 第 3 章:冒险 Adventuring 入门指引 Getting Started 旅行 Travel 六项属性 Six Abilities 休息 Resting 第 2 章:战斗 Combat 奖励 Rewards 装
a Sorcerer chooses this subclass at level three,Draconic Resilienceincreases their maximum HP by three. It then increases by one whenever they gain another Sorcerer level. Plus, while not wearing any armor, a Draconic Sorcerer has an armor class of 10 plus their Dexterity and Charisma modifiers....
How to find my speed inDnD 5E Your speed is an aspect of your race inDungeons & Dragons 5E. When you select a race, under ability scores, you will see a size and speed category. That is what your speed is with no other modifiers, such as armor, magical spells, or class features....
Full class guide:Barbarian 5e Rage – The number of Rages you can perform, plus the bonus damage they deal, increases when you reach certain levels. Brutal Critical – This ninth-level feature improves at levels 13 and 17. Bard Full class guide:Bard 5e ...
However, despite the fact that it exists within several classes and has multiple similar abilities scattered throughout5E, expertise can become a bit of a chore to understand. There are a lot of small modifiers, adjustments, and stacking that can be done with this ability which is otherwise ha...