DnD character sheet example For context, here’s what a finished DnD character sheet might look like: For more on Dungeons and Dragons, here are the latest books coming up on the DnD release schedule. We can also explain more fiddly 5e rules, such as DnD damage types and DnD sizes. Mo...
Donjon's Printable Random Dungeon Generator Dungeon World - another simplified tabletop game The Homebrewery - Lets you write campaigns in Markdown, but renders them as if they were official guides. Pretty awesome. OrcPub - Online 5e character generator tool. Kobold Fight Club - An online encoun...
D&D Spell Cardswillsave youtime, give avisual referenceof spells andhelsevery casterprepare spells.Learnhow to get Free Printable Spell Cards for D&D 5e! I’m sure you’ve seenGale Force 9’s Spellbook Cardsbefore, right? Maybe you’ve seen them on Amazon, or on my first post“10 Dungeo...