There are a huge number of Eldritch Invocations available inDnD 5e: some boost attacks; some grant access to new spells; others dispense situational but powerful buffs. As yourWarlock 5echaracter passes through eachDnD level up, you’ll swiftly find yourself with a lot of options on your plate...
Feel free to use the fantasy character creator above if you're playing a tabletop RPG like D&D 5e, 3e, Pathfinder, or even MERPs.If you want more controlor want to use a generator for commercial purposes, head over toLitRPG Adventuresfor even more results. ...
"DnD5e Character Creator and Database"是一个曾经存在的DnD 5e角色创建与数据库应用。该应用允许玩家创建自定义角色,并提供了丰富的选项和数据库,包括种族、职业、技能等。用户可以根据自己的喜好和游戏需求来打造独一无二的角色。然而,尽管它提供了强大的功能,但由于某种原因,该应用已经停止维护和开发。Character ...
Once per short rest, aDragonborn 5echaracter can unleash a breath weapon attack, attuned to their Draconic Ancestry, against all enemies in an area: a bolt of lightning, a cone of flame, a cloud of poison, and so on. Enemies can halve the damage they suffer by succeeding on a saving ...
SUITABLE FOR NEWBIES • Easy to use character creator • Built-in handbook with step-by-step tutorials • Assisted level up, that walks you through the level up procedure • Track spells, spell casting and learn new spells FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE ...
5e Companion App - Character sheet manager, spell lists, monster stats, homebrew content creator, and more Character Manager Track your characters Squire - Character Manager Pro - A character sheet manager Fifth Edition Character Sheet - A complete multiple page character sheet for a fifth edition ...
Creator Fumble Folks more info contact Welcome to the pledge manager for Denizens and Oddities of the Fey Realm: a D&D 5e Supplement. Here, you can amend or add to your original pledge using credits, back again if your Kickstarter pledge didn't go through t...
Free online virtual tabletop that runs in your browser. No sign ups, no ads, no nonsense. dnd5ednd-toolsvirtual-tabletop UpdatedOct 28, 2024 Clojure Traneptora/grimoire Star76 Code Issues Pull requests Functional 5e spell list by class and level ...
Here’s some of my best D&D tips for how to be a better GM and player in 5e or any TTRPG.
But I'm gonna be honest with you, you might was well just use wiki-dots 5E. Sure not the most accurate, but slightly better than DND Beyond, here's why.DND Beyond requires a subscription based payment for your character library. Books you buy are permanent though, so plus there. Still...