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作品简介 这只是一个智商不够,试图慎重苟下来,但是又经常莽的DND冒险者,这是一个在无限的冒险世界之中,作为一个DND冒险者的故事,他可能扮演的是一个自己想的角色,也有可能他已经成为了那个角色,可能有些压抑,可能有些欢乐,但是这却是一个真实的世界。目前世界:哥布林杀手(完结),魔改版犬夜叉混合滑头鬼(即将完结)...
But I'm gonna be honest with you, you might was well just use wiki-dots 5E. Sure not the most accurate, but slightly better than DND Beyond, here's why.DND Beyond requires a subscription based payment for your character library. Books you buy are permanent though, so plus there. Still...
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Ritual Spellbook & Witch Class for 5e "The book itself is very beautiful, and well thought out in layout. This was used by all the group during our play testing and everyone liked the tactile book and the artwork in the book. Also, for us it was easy to ...
Artificers can take the "Replicate Magic Item" infusion more than once, each time choosing a magic item that they can make with it. Can an Artificer take the "Replicate Magic Item" infusion multiple times and select the same magic item with it, and thus create more than one c...