Also, great maps! Modules on the Chopping BlockModules Waiting on 0.8.x SupportDice Tooltip v1.0.8Shows hit bonuses and damage calculations when hovering over items in a PC/NPC's inventory. Pretty nice quality of life improvement.NOTE: Does not work with Tidy5e Sheet v0.4.29....
The scariest part of DnD for most new players that I have DMed for, is character creation. It makes sense, it's a large blank canvas with a lot of boxes, that requires you to memorize this giant 200+ page book cover to cover (obviously not true, but you must remember your first cha...
The “Special Traits” section as described in the intro to the Monster Manual. A monster’s stat block is explained in the intro to the Monster Manual, and your gas mask trait is a “Special Trait”: Special traits (which appear after a monster’s challenge rating but before...
Tiamat’s one of the few gods with a published stat block, so you can technically take her on. With a challenge rating of 30 and a different deadly breath attack for each of her five heads, though, she’s the sort of god most adventuring parties should steer well clear of. However, ...
Would it block a small creature with 3 attacks that did 1 point of damage each (housecat)? Yes, for a couple of rounds marking it off without the need to even make to-hit rolls. That's how good the spell was - i.e. not that good. The only wizards that run roughshod over ...
NOTE: I’m using emacs with ess in org-mode, and this allows me to name the sheet with #+TBLNAME: so that I can pass it into the header argument of a codeblock later on with :var dat=races. If you don’t use emacs/org-mode but, e.g. RStudio with RMarkdown, it’s easier...
Since there is no provided stat block for an average Titivilus-type-creature it becomes up to the DM to define one. A kindly DM might determine that Titivilus is entirely representative of his kind while a DM that resents being made to make up a new monster might...
Cut the Saving Throws line and the Parry ability from the stat block. Added the following about challenge rating: “To avoid recalculating the creature’s challenge rating, apply the template only to a creature that meets the optional prerequisite in the Breath Weapon table below. Othe...