SomeDnD subclassesrely on this mix of magic and melee, like the Circle of SporesDnD Druidor the BladesingingWizard 5e. War Caster allows these characters to take up sword and board, charge into battle, and not worry about whether their Haste 5e spell will be cut short. Plus, a cheeky sp...
Does an innocent wander onto the battlefield, or do you stray into an ancient wild magic surge? by Russ Morrissey. Player Pets: Rearing Wild Animals and Training Domesticated Animals. Rules for adopting, purchasing, and training pets, from dogs to wolves to giant fire beatles and constrictor ...
Pirates also excel at keeping up with said enemies via heightened speed on ships and using bonus actions to negate enemies’ disengage actions Pirate Details: 5. Witch Black cats are optional. [Art by Jordan Jardine] Much like the shaman, but...
Thus, I haven’t much problem with Warlocks themselves, just 5e’s implementation of them. Playing a Warlock Today (Warlocks in 5e) It’s pretty obvious to anyone who even takes a cursory glance at both editions, but 3/3.5e and 5e play very differently from eac...