DnD dice roller calculator is a quick online dice-rolling tool for anyone who plays Dungeons and Dragons 5e or any table RPG that uses dice. It can roll D20, D4, D6, D8, D10, and D12 from the DnD dice set and generate a random number. Add, remove, or set numbers of dice into...
Adds a reusable component that details different actions a player can take, including actions and bonus actions. It is required for Tidy5e Sheet, otherwise, I probably wouldn't use it.SettingDefaultRecommendedComments Limit actions to cantrips Disabled --- --- Include minute-long spells as ...
And while it would be more fun to simply add in those missing customization options for other classes (I’m usually a believer in improving the disadvantaged rather than disadvantaging the already improved), it’s not possible while still keeping that streamlined simplici...
Using this handy DPR calculator, courtesy of LudicSavant, I'll look at both Thud and Rothgar over a 2 round phase, so both can enter their rage and still get straight to their other bonus action features. Thud will use his power attack on every attack (though most barbarian player...