它无法为不死生物或构装生物提供任何增益。 奥术法器Arcane Focus。奥术法器是一件用来引导奥术法术的特殊物品,它可以是一枚法球、一块水晶、一只权杖、一根特制法杖、一根魔杖般的长木条或是其它类似的物品。术士、邪术师或法师能将这样的物品用作施法法器。 滚珠Ball Bearings。你可以用一个动作将这些小金属珠从袋子...
奥能爆Arcane Blast塑能 戏法施法时间:1动作施法距离:120尺法术成分:V、S持续时间:立即你放射出一道毁灭性的奥术能量束,攻击一个施法距离内你能看见的生物。你对目标发动一次远程法术攻击,并在命中时造成1d10点力场伤害。你到达5级时,该法术的伤害增加1d10(变为2d10)。11级时再加1d10(变为3d10),17 级时...
Constitution should be your secondary focus. Although Warlocks aren’t nearly as feeble as the scrawny Wizard 5e, their limitedDnD armorproficiencies and low hit dice make them vulnerable. Your Pact Magic will be no use if you spend most battles crumpled on the floor, so nip it in the bud ...
Wizards can use an arcane focus as their spellcasting focus. Arcane Recovery: One of the biggest challenges a wizard faces is knowing when to use important spell slots. Arcane Recovery makes the spell slot system a bit less punishing. TCoE Optional Rule: Additional Wizard Spells: The expanded ...
In DnD 5e, Disintegrate can be cast by Sorcerers or Wizards. You’ll need verbal, somatic, and material components to cast the spell, so magic words, hand twirling, and ingredients are needed. If for some reason you’re not using an arcane focus or component pouch, you’ll need a lod...
如题,各位法力高强的施法者们啊,你们比较喜欢哪种法器(arcane focus)呢?只谈秘法系(arcane)的,圣职系的圣徽之类这里不讨论。 1、长法杖(staff):相信甘道夫的型像已经深入人心了。给人一种“这就是法师”的感觉。大部分MMO和奇幻异世界ACGN里都不少见拿长法杖的形象。 2、短法杖(rod / scepter):类似权杖或者...
Arcane Eye is the place to go for all things DnD! From advice on running your campaign to which podcasts are the best, Arcane Eye can deliver the content you are looking for.
如题,各位法力高强的施法者们啊,你们比较喜欢哪种法器(arcane focus)呢?只谈秘法系(arcane)的,圣职系的圣徽之类这里不讨论。 1、长法杖(staff):相信甘道夫的型像已经深入人心了。给人一种“这就是法师”的感觉。大部分MMO和奇幻异世界ACGN里都不少见拿长法杖的形象。 2、短法杖(rod / scepter):类似权杖或者...
Often feared or misunderstood, and driven by an unending drive to destroy the wicked, blood hunters are clever, arcane warriors who have bound their essence to the dark creatures they hunt to better stalk and survive their prey. Armed with the rites of forbidden blood magic and a willingness ...
Spellcasting starts out as important, but that importance fades as you level. At first level, you’ll have two first-level spells and be the arcane equal of the partyWizard 5e. By 20th level, you’ll only have access to fifth-level spells, which will be overshadowed by the Wishes and ...