Another action you’ll learn is Animating Performance, which turns a Large or smaller non-magic item within 30 feet into an animated creature. It uses the Dancing Item stat block and lives for one hour (unless it has no hit points left or you die first). ...
Silvered Weaponshave existed as a concept in 5e for ages, but the new Dungeon Master’s Guide gives them a stat block with more definable effects. Any time you score a critical hit against a shape-shifted creature with this weapon, it deals one extra die of damage. Spirit Board A D&DSpi...
形式出现。 活化盔甲Animated Armor 中型构装⽣物 ,绝对中⽴ 凌空剑Flying Sword ⼩型构装⽣物 ,绝对中⽴ AC :18 (天⽣护甲) HP :33 (6d8+6 ) AC :17 (天⽣护甲) 速度:25 尺 HP :17 (5d6) 速度:0 尺,⻜⾏50 尺 (悬浮) ⼒量14 (+2 ) 敏捷11 (+0 ) 体质13 (+1 ) ...
Also, great maps! Modules on the Chopping BlockModules Waiting on 0.8.x SupportDice Tooltip v1.0.8Shows hit bonuses and damage calculations when hovering over items in a PC/NPC's inventory. Pretty nice quality of life improvement.NOTE: Does not work with Tidy5e Sheet v0.4.29....