Out of all metallic dragons, gold dragons have the highest (or joint-highest) core stats in almost every category – beaten only in intelligence by the copper dragon. An ancient gold dragon’s fire breath deals 71 damage to anyone unlucky enough to fail a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, and...
Wizards of the Coast has revealed the full statblock for the ancient gold dragon, found in the 2025 version of theDungeons and DragonsMonster Manual. And let's just say this revamped reptile has truly terrifying potential. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Get loads of DnD book...
当使用十二环及以上的法术位施法时,法术位每升一环,持续时间延长一小时。 笔者注:此法术名Dragon Rein直译为“龙缰绳”,笔者擅自改为驭龙以试图令译名更文雅。 6.融合术/Fuse:十一环变形术 施法时间:1分钟 范围:直径15英尺的球体 要素:咒语V,手势S,材料M (一根由铂金编织、价值 50,000 gp的绳子,用于将目标...
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The definitive guide to dragons in your DnD 5e games, rules for dragon companions, dragon combat and ancient draconic rune magic from the Dragonbond universe. Pre-Order 發起人: Draco Studios 有3,199 名支持者認繳了$ 311,758,幫助此專案變為現實。
Living in the kingdom of rich magic races,Dwarf 5eis the one who loves to live for their nation with enriched ancient grandeur. They belong to the mountain range, and hence their area of expectation is a high range, buried mines, and blazing forges. ...
成年太阳龙Adult Solar Dragon 巨型龙类,普遍绝对中立 护甲等级 17(天生护甲) 生命值 200 (16d12+96) 速度30尺,飞行90尺(悬浮) 力量24 (+7) 敏捷15 (+2) 体质22 (+6) 智力15(+2) 感知16 (+3) 魅力14 (+2) 豁免 敏捷+7,体质 +11,感知 +8,魅力 +7 技能 察觉+13,隐匿
以下文段出自DND5E翻译版本: 赤铜龙巢穴A Copper Dragon’s Lair 赤铜龙居住在干燥的高地或峰顶上,它们筑巢于这些地区中 狭窄的洞穴里。巢穴内隐秘假墙后的厅室内则贮存着宝贵的矿石、 艺术品以及其他在其漫长生命中收集到的古怪物件。一些不值钱 的物品还会刻意的摆放在开放的洞穴内以挑逗寻宝者,并将他们 的...
金属骰子塔方形实心龙和地牢空心加载rpg定制金属rpg骰子迷你星球DND骰子套装手工彩色多面体树脂骰子,边缘锋利,适用于TRPG游戏定制DND骰子套装和D6 D20巴西狂欢节羽毛头饰狂欢节狂欢节头饰狂欢节头饰定制黑色大理石珍珠骰子16毫米骰子与金点D & D微缩画集Srd Dnd 5e战役5...
DND5e龙与地下城 地下城主手册5eDMG_中文_v1.0.pdf,制作组 DD 设计师主管:Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford 项目管理:Neil Shinkle, John Hay, Kim Graham 生产服务:Cynda Callaway, Brian Dumas, Jefferson Dunlap, 《城主指南》主管:Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkin