Languages: Yuan-ti, Common, Draconic, Abyssal Favored: Climate Warm Average Height: 4’7″ – 6’6″ Average Weight: 90 – 280 lbs.Having the appearance of snake-like creatures, Yuan-ti-Pureblood 5e is the race that is being developed from the remains of the decadent and ancient human ...
Corvid-like in appearance and experts at mimicry, all Kenku 5e gain advantage on ability checks when copying someone else’s writing or craftwork. Meanwhile, the Mimicry ability means creatures that hear you mimic a voice must pass a Wisdom (Insight) to tell it’s not the real deal – this...
除一小部分作 为神能的仆人外,大部分的邪魔都从属于相应的大魔鬼或者 自定义生物Modifying Creatures 恶魔主君作为劳力。邪恶的牧师和魔法师有时会召唤邪魔到 尽管本书中收集了⼤量的怪物信息,你仍可能在为某个 主物质世界完成自己的任务。善良的邪魔就如邪恶的天界生 冒险选择合适⽣物时感到困惑。事实上,你...
In theD&Dmultiverse, there is a language called Common, which is a language spoken by almost everyone. The demihuman races possess their own languages, such as Elvish, while creatures that reside on different planes also have unique languages, such as Abyssal for demons and Primordial for elemen...
Have you ever wanted an abyssal hide, balor wings, a devil's arm, a wretch's belch, an imp's eye, infernal horns, or vrock feathers? of course you have! Or at least, your 5E character has. Right? Designer Mike Myler brings you rules for infernal bodily alterations for those ...
The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are all that remains of an ancient, decadent human empire. Ages ago their dark gods taught them profane, cannibalistic rituals to mix their flesh with that of snakes, producing a caste-based society of hybrids in which the most snakelike are the leaders...