Second, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat were written before the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual was finalized. This has caused some issues with the adventures, mainly the fact that some encounters are particularly unbalanced. Hoard of the Dragon Quee...
吞咽下由此产生的培养基的人,如果在-4惩罚的对抗毒素豁免检定中失败,将被变形为奴仆蛇人。若在豁免检定中成功,受害者将立即陷入昏迷;除非被延缓毒发slow poison或中和毒性neutralize poison法术恢复,否则受害者在随后的1小时内死亡。在豁免失败后,以中和毒性、驱散魔法dispel magic、移除诅咒remove curse、以及治疗术...
关于这些神祇和祂们所属专属祭司的信息,请翻阅《怪物神话Monster Mythology》、《幽暗地域的卓尔Drow of this Underdark》、《矮人深坑Dwarves’ Deep》、《永聚岛的精灵Elves of Evermeet》、《巨人争霸Giantcraft》、《巨龙之书the Draconomicon》、以及其它被遗忘国度战役设定产品、与庞杂的《异度风景战役设定PLANESCARE...
Current 5eD&Dalso features some throwbacks toAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons. InAD&Dand its 2e version, there were magic items that would “replace” a base stat, such as a Belt of Giant strength. In 3e these were changed to items that add a set number to a base stat to reward players w...
Hybrids, playing half-something in 2E D&D (ZIP 11 Kb) Player/DM Reference Sheets(ZIP 105 Kb) PC Spell Sheetsfor each class (ZIP 269 Kb)) Spell Reference Sheets(ZIP 809 Kb) Wild Psionic Talentsfor 3E (ZIP 6 Kb) Monster Mythology(ZIP 108 Kb) Some details for humanoids and demi-humans...
I really got into Critical Role around 2018 and watching it helped elevate my gaming and give me a way bigger sense of the possibilities the medium held to tell a story beyond ‘there’s a monster in the next room of the dungeon, go hit it.’ I also started DMing in 2018 and have...
❖在第7级,每日1次,战争卫士能够施展创造营地create campsite或拆毁营地break campsite(如同3级祭司法术)。 ❖ At 7th level, battleguards are able to castcreate campsiteorbreak campsite(as the 3rd-level priest spell) once a day. ❖在第10级,每三日1次,战争守卫能够创造一道英雄宴heroes' feast...