Monster of the Week Official Monster of the Week Monsterhearts-2 Monsterhearts-Simple Monsters and Other Childish Things Moon Punk Mordiou Mork Borg MorrowProject4e Mortally Bankrupt Mothership Official Mothership MouseGuard MouseGuard2E Multiverse Mutant Year Zero Alternative Mutant Year Zero Mutant(1984...
That monster is Stream of Kairos, which slowly morphed from “an underdeveloped idea involving a stream of water with islands in it, floating in the Astral Sea” into “the Grand Unifying Theory of every TTRPG game that I’ve ever run, while still somehow involving streams of water just ...
Vampire Brides and Grooms, 是《VanRichten's Monster Hunter's Compendium, Volume one》 (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2e) 这本书Chapter Ten: Relationships Between vampires的第4节。此书有近100面的篇幅都在讲述吸血鬼各方面的设定。 以下是此节译文, 机翻+校对+润色, 专有名词/重点句/难以翻译的句子...
龙与地下城 Wiki 在首次呈现为蛇类形态和恢复原型时,施法者将治愈所遭受全部伤害的1d6X10%(小数点清零)。(祭司不会在他们每次呈现为新蛇类形态时被治疗,只有在第一次时会如此。) Upon first assuming a snake form and upon returning to their original forms, the casters heal 1d6x10% of all damage they...
关于这些神祇和祂们所属专属祭司的信息,请翻阅《怪物神话Monster Mythology》、《幽暗地域的卓尔Drow of this Underdark》、《矮人深坑Dwarves’ Deep》、《永聚岛的精灵Elves of Evermeet》、《巨人争霸Giantcraft》、《巨龙之书the Draconomicon》、以及其它被遗忘国度战役设定产品、与庞杂的《异度风景战役设定PLANESCARE...
In fact, it was difficult to even gain access to each rulebook (the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster Manual), due to the fact that publisher TSR didn’t have the money to release them all at the same time. Each of the three books was released over the course ...
“minion” enemies, a new monster type with 1 Hit Point. These four roles covered a variety of classes, as Defenders include the iconic Fighter as well as the teleporting Swordmage, and leaders could be a Cleric healing with divine intervention, or a Warlord providing the same through ...
Hybrids, playing half-something in 2E D&D (ZIP 11 Kb) Player/DM Reference Sheets(ZIP 105 Kb) PC Spell Sheetsfor each class (ZIP 269 Kb)) Spell Reference Sheets(ZIP 809 Kb) Wild Psionic Talentsfor 3E (ZIP 6 Kb) Monster Mythology(ZIP 108 Kb) Some details for humanoids and demi-humans...
Vampire Brides and Grooms, 是《VanRichten's Monster Hunter's Compendium, Volume one》 (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2e) 这本书Chapter Ten: Relationships Between vampires的第4节。此书有近100面的篇幅都在讲述吸血鬼各方面的设定。 以下是此节译文, 机翻+校对+润色, 专有名词/重点句/难以翻译的句子...
Hiatea is thus born and raised into giantish society,but has to prove herself through a series of daring feats,culminating in an epic battle with a great monster which she overcomes so that she can bring a trophy to her father,who accepts her valor and worth (possibly caught off-guard by...