原文: 附赠动作 Bonus Action 以附赠动作施法的法术特别迅捷。你可以在自已回合内以一个附赠动作施展该法术,前提是你必须在本回合内未作出任何的附赠动作。除施法时间为 1 动作的戏法外,你不能在同一回合内施展其他法术。 分享53 dnd吧 不笑云 关于附赠动作车了个巡林客,到2级,有猎人标记了。 然后猎人标记是...
poison is good against all opponents making meleeor ranged attacks, and incapacitation shuts a PC down completely—but if you reallywant to get the best effect out of it, aim it at the PCs with the richest actioneconomy, especially those with access to bonus actions and/or Extra Attack. ...
You can weaponize both your Bonus Actions and Reactions, attack from a distance, and keep enemies at bay. They are one of the strongest melee builds in the game, and can be an overpowering force on the battlefield. Ability scores You’re going to be a heavy weapon Fighter, so, natura...
- **属性值**:角色的基本属性数值,如力量、敏捷等。 ### 3. Ability Modifier - **属性修正**:属性值减去10后除以2的结果,用于计算攻击加值、技能检定等。 ### 4. Action - **动作**:角色在回合中可以执行的主要活动,如攻击、施法等。 ### 5. Bonus Action - **附赠动作**:某些特定动作或能力允...
反应和附赠动作的触发Reaction And Bonus Action Triggers 施法时间为1反应的法术的施展是对触发条件的响应,具体条件在法术的施法时间一栏中会列出。一些施法时间为1附赠动作的法术也是对法术所给出的触发条件的响应。 长时间施展Longer Casting Times 某些法术(包括作为仪式...
Some popular homebrew rules I've added to my game are: Drinking potions as a bonus action; Using Spell Points instead of Spell Slots; Getting max damage on your first set of dice on Critical Hits; Letting players swap initiative rolls with one another before combat starts; Making resurrection...
In a game where action economy can make or break a fight, extra attacks are an enormous advantage. If you’re playing a martial character who doesn’t spend their bonus actions often (likeDnD Barbarianand manyDnD Fighters),Great Weapon Master 5ecan help you land an alarming number of blows...
Do bonus action spells use spell slots? The spell slots ahs got the one spell around the fact on using the bonus action from casting the actions. It requires the spell to spend around the spell to use the casting of spell from the Divine Smile of the casting a spell from spell slots....
Pirates also excel at keeping up with said enemies via heightened speed on ships and using bonus actions to negate enemies’ disengage actions Pirate Details:https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pirate_(5e_Class) 5. Witch Black cats are optional. [Art by Jordan Jardine] ...
You get cover (+4 AC, +2 on Reflexsaves) if the magical attack’s line of effect passesthrough the corner of the blocked side. Spread effectsreach around the shield if they normally wouldextend into your space, but you still get a Reflex savebonus for cover when they do. A gaze ...