To perform the electrophoresis test, a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) (Sylgard 184, Dow corning corporation, MI, USA) mold with a 4 mm diameter hole that could be used to insert the lambda DNA-YOYO-1 solution was fixed on top of a nanochip with a processed nanochannel. A wire-type Pt ...
These organic electronic materials take advantage of the fact that dyes can be optically excited and that the excited state can share the generated exciton to other nearby dyes [6,7,8,9]. The foundational theory of exciton delocalization in dye aggregates stems from the work of Frenkel, ...
These organic electronic materials take advantage of the fact that dyes can be optically excited and that the excited state can share the generated exciton to other nearby dyes [6,7,8,9]. The foundational theory of exciton delocalization in dye aggregates stems from the work of Frenkel, ...